Ch. 1 : I Have A What?!

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Hello all of my wonderful readers! Now, I will not typically do authors note but this is just a quick one. This is a new fan fiction story about YouTubers and I hope you all enjoy it. Please, leave a comment or vote if you liked this story. Any feedback is appreciated but not necessary. WARNING: THERE IS CURSING IN THIS BOOK!!!
Now, on with the story.....

Sydney's POV
I sat on the couch about to watch a new video from my favorite youtubers: JeromeASF and BajanCanadian. They had just posted a new hunger games video. I was about to click play when the phone rang. Since I knew my stepdad and stepbrothers were all gone, I jumped off the couch and ran down the hall. The phone rang again and I quickly picked up the phone that was in the office.
"Hello?" I asked.
"Hi, my name is Jessica Edwards. Is Sydney there?" She asked.
"Uh, yes. This is Sydney." I replied.
"Oh! Perfect. Well, Sydney, I have some exciting news for you." She paused, "You have a brother!" She finished.
"I have a what?!" I asked.
"A brother. You'll be flying to California tomorrow to meet him." Jessica said happily.
"I think you have me confused with someone else. I don't have a brother." I told her.
"Yes you do. He lives in California. You will be living with him from now on since he's your only living blood relative." Jessica replied.
Suddenly, the garage door opened. Matt, Damien, and Dad walked in carrying grocery bags.
"We're home!" Matt shouted.
"Shh! I'm on the phone." I told him.
"Oh, sorry." He replied.
"Sorry, Jessica. My family just came home." I apologized to her.
"It's no problem. Have your stepdad drive you to the airport tomorrow at 9 AM. There will be someone there to help you onto the plane. Pack everything you own. Your stepdad knows what to do with your things. Bring some clothes and some personal items in your suitcase. Everything else will be shipped to California later. Okay?" She asked.
"Um, okay." I said.
"Alright. Goodbye Sydney." She hung up.
I put the phone back in the holder and walked to the kitchen where the boys were. Dad looked up at me and his smile immediately disappeared when he saw my face.
"Did you know about him?" I asked Dad.
"Yes. Your mother told me before she passed. Sydney, I'm sorry. She made me promise not to tell you until you were older. That was Jessica, wasn't it?" Dad asked.
Matt and Damien looked helplessly confused.
I nodded in response.
"I had a feeling she would be calling any day. Looks like you have some packing to do." My dad said sadly.
"Wait, what?! What the fudge is going on?" Damien asked.
"Why would you be packing? Where are you going?" Matt asked.
Dad looked at the boys, then at me.
"You go start packing. I'll explain everything to them." Dad sighed.
I nodded and went up to my room.

-time skip to tomorrow morning-

The next morning, my alarm on my watch beeped to life at 8:30. I turned it off and got out of bed. My walls were completely bare. Everything was packed away in the 3 cardboard boxes sitting by my door. My door suddenly opened to reveal Damien.
"Oh hey. Dad wanted me to make sure you were up." Damien walked in and sat down on the edge of the bed.
I got up and sat down next to him.
"I can't believe you're leaving." Damien sighed.
"Yeah, me neither." I said while looking at the packed boxes.
"I know you're not actually my sister but it feels like you are." Damien pulled me into a hug.
"Same here, Damien. I love you." (Like a brother)
We pulled apart.
"Yeah, but now you're going to your actual brother." Damien seemed a bit sad.
"But you've technically been my brother longer. Before yesterday, I didn't even know he existed." I shrugged.
"True. Well, get dressed. Matt's making breakfast." Damien stood up and walked to the door.
He left and closed the door behind him. I changed into my final outfit. It was a simple, black t-shirt that said 'Bonjour' in light blue cursive writing. I also put on a pair of jean shorts and my black, high top, converse. I grabbed my suitcase that had some of my clothes in it and a few personal things. I also grabbed my small blue backpack that contained things for the plane. I carried them downstairs to the kitchen. The three guys were all in there. I dropped my stuff by the door and took the plate Matt handed me. It had 3 chocolate chip pancakes on it. Those were my favorite and Matt knew it.

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