Ch. 5 : Stanley Cup Finals!

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OMG THANK YOU GUYS FOR 100 READS!! I LOVE ALL OF YOU SO MUCH!!!😘❤️ (if u can't see, that was the kissy emoji and a heart emoji) I SERIOUSLY LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH! THANK YOU!!! [oh, and for any of you who were wondering, the cover of this book is actually a picture of when I met Jerome xD]

Sydney's POV
"Hey guys, I just remembered! We got VIP seats to the game tonight!" Mitch shouted.
"What game?" I asked.
"The Stanley Cup Finals. It's game 7 and it's the New Jersey Devils playing the Los Angeles Kings downtown at the Staples Center." Jerome explained.
"Awesome!" I cheered.
"I'm gonna go get my jersey on." Preston said.
"Me too." Lachlan and Vikk said simultaneously.
I had a New Jersey Devils jersey so I went upstairs and changed into that. It had Cory Schneider, the goalie, on the back. He's number 35. I walked back downstairs to see everyone else in Los Angeles Kings jerseys. Well, almost everyone. Jerome walked in from the kitchen wearing a Devils jersey.
"And I thought I would be the only Devils fan." I said as I walked over to him.
"You like the Devils?" He asked, surprised.
"Yeah, my stepdad was originally from Jersey so he loves the Devils. He absolutely hates the Rangers, the Flyers, and the Penguins, even though we live in Pittsburg." I explained, "He taught my stepbrothers and I to be Devils fans." I finished.
"Oh, but my dear baby bacca, the Devils are gonna get crushed." Mitch put his arm around my shoulders.
I grabbed his arm and flipped him over.
"We'll see about that." I replied as he struggled to stand back up.
"What the fuck was that?" Jerome asked.
"And you tell me not to curse. But, that was the result from years of karate." I smirked.
Mitch stood up and rubbed his arm that I had twisted painfully.
"Are you guys coming?" Vikk called from the front door.
We went outside and climbed into the black and red SUVs. We drove to the stadium and parked a few blocks away from the place since it was so crowded. The sidewalks were filled with people in black Kings jerseys. It seemed as though Jerome and I were the only two people rooting for the Devils. Oh well. We walked up to the open area in front of the stadium and stopped.
"Hey Jerome, and Syd, look over here." Mitch said.
We both looked towards him. He had his phone up and must've taken a picture.
"Seriously dude?" Jerome asked.
"What? It's hilarious." Mitch smiled.
I watched as Mitch posted the pic on his Instagram.
"Check out my caption." Mitch said.
Jerome grabbed his phone and we read the caption. It read: 'These two are feeling a bit outnumbered GO KINGS GO! #LAKings'. I simply rolled my eyes as Jerome handed him back his phone. Even though it was still an hour and a half before the game, the outside of the stadium was packed with fans. We had VIP tickets to go in and meet a couple of the team members before the game. We were even allowed to go on the ice with them! Apparently, Rob got the tickets at an auction a few weeks ago. So, we showed the security guard our tickets and he let us through. We went through a security checkpoint and then followed an employee down to the ice. We were each given a pair of hockey skates and had to put them on. We finally made it out to the ice where 4 members from each team stood.
"Go on over and meet them." The employee said.
I stepped onto the ice first and easily skated over to the players. I instantly smiled. I looked back at the guys as I reached the teams. The guys were holding onto the wall for support as they stumbled over to us.
"Well, hello there. Nice jersey." Someone said from behind me where the players were.
I turned around and realized that the hockey player was talking to me. He was wearing padding and I instantly realized he was Cory Schneider, the goalie (and also the guy on my jersey). He smiled at me.
"Thanks." I replied.
"Um, I have to ask, but are you all related?" One of the Kings asked as he pointed towards the guys as they tried to skate over.
"Oh, no. Actually I'm only related to him." I pointed at Jerome.
Jerome suddenly fell forward, right on his face.
"Ouch. That looked like it hurt." One of the other Kings commented.
"Come on, let's go help them all." One of the Devils said.
So, they skated towards the guys and helped them over to the center of the ice.
"So, let's do introductions. We'll tell you who we are and what position we play. Tell us your name and one thing about you. Okay?" The third Kings player suggested.
We all nodded.
"Okay, I'm Jonathan Quick and I'm the Kings goalie." He introduced himself.
"I'm Dustin Brown, right wing."
"Drew Doughty, I'm on defense."
"And I'm Jeff Carter. I play center."
That was it for the Kings players.
"I'm Cory Schneider, Devils goalie."
"Travis Zajac, center."
"Andy Green, I'm on defense."
"And finally, I'm Michael Ryder, right wing." The final player said.
The guys started introducing themselves and finally they got to me.
"I'm Sydney and, uh, even though I live in Pittsburg, my family is all Devils fans." I said.
"Cool, well, welcome to the Staples Center." Jeff said.
For the next 45 minutes, we got to skate around and they even had us practice a little hockey. They set up cones and made us skate through the cones while controlling the puck then we had to shoot on Cory since he was in goal. The guys all went before me so I was last. I skated through the cones imagining it was just another drill for soccer cause we do this all the time to practice ball control. After the cones, I shot towards the upper left corner. We had learned in soccer that this is the best place to shoot. It is known as the 'upper-90'. The puck flew right over Cory's left shoulder and made it into the goal. He pulled off his mask and looked at me.
"How the heck did you do that?!" He asked.
"I dunno, I just shot to the upper-90 like I do during soccer." I shrugged.
"Bet you 30 bucks you can't do it again." He said as he tossed the puck back at me.
"Okay." I replied.
"I gotta record this." Mitch smiled.
I went through the the cones again and shot. This time, I shot towards the upper right corner. He tried to grab it out of the air but couldn't catch it in time and the puck landed in the goal. He pulled off his mask and stared at me with his jaw dropped.
"How the? What the? How did you do that?!" He asked.
"Same as before." I shrugged.
"How old are you?" Michael asked.
"I'm 13." I replied.
"I can't believe I just lost a bet with a 13 year old girl. Don't get me wrong, though. You're impressive." Cory said.
"I've got a deal for you. You don't have to pay me. How about you sign my jersey and maybe take a picture with me?" I suggested.
"Deal." Cory nodded.
So, he signed my jersey and Jerome took a picture of Cory and I. After this, the employee brought pictures of all the guys and they signed them for us. Everyone got one picture of each, of the four, players from both teams. It was so cool! After this, we headed to our front row seats. Tons of people began coming into the stadium. Everyone was wearing black Kings jerseys and shot Jerome and I questioning glances but we ignored it. The game started. It was amazing. Right now, it was the third period. 5 minutes left on the clock and the score was tied 1-1. The Kings had a power play and they were skating down the side with the puck. The Kings guy, Jeff Carter, shot on Cory. The shot was towards the upper-90 but Cory snagged it. Jerome and I cheered. The Devils took the puck and skated towards Jonathan Quick, the Kings goalie. Travis Zajac had the puck and he shot. And scored!!! Jerome and I started cheering. There were only a few people in the audience who were Devils fans, including Jerome and I. The time ran out on the clock and Jerome and I went nuts.
"The Devils won!!" I screamed as I jumped in my seat.
Some people looked at me like I was crazy but, I didn't care. Jerome put his arm around my shoulder and we jumped together. This time, I didn't remove his arm. I figured that since we were technically brother and sister, I had to give him a chance to make-up for the 12 years of my life he's missed.

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