14- It's Sacrilege My Dear Watson Part: One

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'Can I please get a break?' Greg thought as he and Alice were getting up from the wreckage.

Shang had come running from the van, and he stood stock still as if someone were prohibiting his slightest breath.

Alice barked and changed into a rusty brown wolf with white paws.
Greg couldn't believe it! The only person in his same predicament was just like his captors. Of course, he knew Alice was a werewolf, but seeing it and hearing it are two completely different things.

It hit him just then, the realization and the horror of it all. He was caught up in a fairy tail's world.

And there was no way out.

Ice trickled up Greg's leg, and when he looked up, he saw that Shang had completely encased the hot dog joint in ice while Ashanti had engulfed the entirety of the inside in flames.
Through the extreme temperatures, Greg could see the cases that held the hot dogs. They weren't burning.

'Premium hot dogs my ass' Greg thought, unholstering his gun and aiming it at the man with the crazed witch they had encountered before.

Somehow the building still stood.

Alice prowled around the attackers, baring her fangs and snarling every once in a while, carefully staying away from the flames that seemed to come from Ashanti.

Shang made his way behind Ashanti, murmuring something in her ear that made her crouch and lengthen her claws to an impossible length.

Shang looked at Victoria with pure malice in his eyes, hoping she would make a move that would justify him gnawing through her neck.

"Calm down my dearies! We only wish to speak." She said, her voice so high pitched it made both Ashanti and Alice's ears ring.

Lucifer stepped forward, a small smirk on his face and an eyebrow raised.
"Shang? Oh that has to be you Shang! You haven't aged a day!" He said, eyes focused on the ice man alone.

Shang avoided looking at him altogether.

Lucifer gave a small huff and stepped forward again, now in front of the blazing haired witch.
"Don't be like that Shang. We had so much fun in the past! All those cold, cold sleepless nights... There were very few things people could do to keep warm back then." He stepped forward again.

Icicles formed on the ice covered asphalt, pointing straight up, daring anyone to walk upon them.

"Oh come on, We're such old friends! We need to stick together, come up with a plan on how to survive in this brand new world. I know you suck at socializing, so you can't have gotten any noteworthy information just yet. But I've got-"

Before anyone could do anything, Ashanti Sliced Lucifer's head clean off.

She had transformed into a giant tiger, and began to feast upon his corpse.

Blood oozed out, dousing the flames of Ashanti's wrath.
All that anyone heard were the incessant slurps of a starving tiger.

Greg turned over and heaved chunks of vomit, and soon only bile would come out.

Victoria stepped back, her eyebrows raised in shock, her mouth in a grim line, and the faint look of fear in her eyes.

She vanished without a trace.


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