People in the shadows

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Day two on the road
Simran's POV
It's the second day that we've been on the road and everyone is already sick of it. I'm starting to get a bit paranoid that someone is watching me, but whenever I look around all I see are dead trees and dust. So much dust.
I'm so hungry, but I don't want to say anything because it might make me look weak in front of everyone...

Breanna's POV

A lot of people say I'm a quiet person but I guess I've just been so busy ever since I opened that bakery, damn, now I'm thinking of food, I could really go for a pastry right now...

Will's POV
Food food food food food oh my god I'm so hungry please help

Jayden's POV
I can't believe no one else is hungry, it's been at least a day since anyone else has eaten, maybe if some one dies, we could eat them?

Cameron's POV
"Okay am I the only one starving right now?"
"No please help" will chokes out, frantically
"Yeah I'm so hungry" Breanna and simran reply, in unison
"Well what should we do then?"
Jayden pipes up, "well I saw some weird looking rats back there so maybe we could cook them up?"
Yeah why not? I think to myself as we head into the sad, dead, undergrowth.
After four hours of hunting we finally found what, from a distance, looked like a mole rat but upon closer inspection was actually some unholy abomination
"I think it's some irradiated rat" will remarks
"Well can we still eat it?" I ask
"Nah but we don't really have any choice"
"Well let's start a fire then" Breanna says
Simran starts a fire with ease and in no time, the rat thing is is being cooked.
will is the first to take a bite and instantly throws up, but still eats more. soon, everyone had gotten used to the vile taste and was chowing down on the hideous rodent.

Simran's POV
I don't think we should have eaten that rat, because now I really feel like someone is watching me....
I hear someone scream in the distance
"Did you hear that?" I ask, frantically
"Hear what?" Cameron asks, a little worry edging his voice
"It came from over there" I point towards a rusted out fuel station
We cautiously approach the station and are greeted by a long dead corpse, and I am a little worried, this place seems foreboding, almost like it wants me to leave...
A dark figure leaps out at me and I draw my gun and try to shoot it, but every time I do, it multiplies. By now everyone is yelling at me to stop and Cameron snaps me out of it. "Simran, there is nothing here, don't worry. We are here for you" he uses that deep, soft, velvety voice that I could fall asleep to anytime...
I think I need to see a doctor, we agree to leave as soon as we can and set up camp out of view of the cursed station.

Aight that's all for now
Be sure to check out 'things you didn't know about life in latislinia' and 'the photographer' they are some amazing books!
~into the breach ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2015 ⏰

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