Its okay, australians deal with this kind of thing everyday

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After clambering down the rubble, we depart to try and find anyone else that had survived the bombings. After 5 hours of extensive searching and dry heaving at the putrid smell of rotting corpses, we decide that it was a waste of time and head towards the -what once was- 7/11 to look for food and fuel. "This is horrible, we're all going to die! Will stutters in fear of his life, as simran tries to calm him, I go off in search of some water or... Anything... I find some spam in a can and two bottles of spring water. On our way out of the big smoke we find a stray dog, will pulls a bone off a nearby skeleton and I throw up in the corner, simran seems a little to comfortable then anyone should ever be; will feeds the bone to the dog, forever proclaiming the dog as our new companion, "okay, first off, never do that again, that was disgusting, second off, we are going to HBs to get me some clothes, because if you haven't noticed, I'm still in my underwear!" Simran starts to giggle and we make our way across the street....
We pick up some backpacks, spare changes of clothes and some good sneakers.. When we get out of town, we are faced with a barren landscape, just dust. Dust and depression... "We are so screwed" simran remarks "don't worry, the Australians deal with this sort of thing everyday! Right? Right?".....

Aight that's all for now see ya tomorrow
Have a good one
~into the breach

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