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The mayor introduced him self as "the great Don Andreas Juan Carlos Miguel Pedro". Seeming very proud of himself, we thought nothing of it and he shows us where we can stay over the night...
*2300 hours*
We restock on food and ammunition and simran equips herself with a katana sword engraved with a representation of a dragon just above the hilt and we agree to help scavenge supplies to earn our keep.
We head out into the wasteland back in the direction of the city under the cover of darkness in hopes to find supplies and hopefully even a survivor! As the smouldering wreckage of what once was a bustling city comes into view we all lose a little hope but keep pushing on, will heads towards the supermarket, simran heads towards the hospital and I make my way to the mechanic. As I walk in the door I hear the sound of an engine in the and the honk of a horn, I turn around and see Jayden, my friend from uni, in a beige jeep. "Fancy seeing you here" he calls out and turns off the engine then proceeds to shake my hand. We drive out and pick up will who is over the moon that jay is alive and we head out to the hospital. On arrival simran runs out with a huge grin on her face, "I've found Breanna!" Simran bursts out "I've found jayden" I reply and we head back, in a jeep, filled with supplies, successful. "I wonder what don will say"

Aight sorry for the short chapter
Have a good. One
~into the breach

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