Pool Party?

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{Allison's P.O.V}

I was sitting on my desk face timing with Carol.

"alright so tell me everything you have bin over there for like what three-four days has anything happened, how does there house looks like, do you have a crush on the boys or do they have a crush on you? " on and on talking from her.

"Carol!" I gave an anger face.

"right, right I'm asking to much questions" she said.

"thank you" I put my hands up like I was praying.

"oh, its Ryan's birthday today you are coming to his pool party right" she said, and it wasn't a question. "oh my god, I completely forgot" I put my hands over my eyes and groaned. "It starts at 8pm you got time, be there" Carol begged. "I will okay I have it under control" I said.

She smiled showing all her teeth "great, I got to go get ready, bye love you"

"love you too bye" as I waved and she ended the call.

I suddenly ran out of my room and went to the living room. I wish I was like Dylan or Noah they would run and get to were they want to go in a split second. Knowing for the fact that everyone was in the living room talking about something but didn't really care.

"you guys!" I shouted out at all of them feeling like a kid wanting attention, they all stopped talking and looked at me.

"What is it" Gemini said.

"can I please, please, please go to my friend Ryan's pool party" I pleaded. Everyone looked at each other and they nodded yes. I had a big smile on my face showing my teeth.

"but" William started. oh great. "the boys have to go with you". I shrugged "anything works, I'm still going" I smiled and ran back to my room.

{Noah's P.O.V}

I didn't think we had to go to the pool party with Allison and her friends. It would be the first time i saw her in some one suit or something.

Time past and it was 8:10 and me and my brothers were already ready for the pool and good thing it started at night.

All four of us saw Allison coming to the living room she had her hair in a bun, and she had a t-shirt, and some shorts with sandals. Good thing she not one of those type of girls who don't care and just wear a swimsuit only.

we left the house and into the garage. "which car do we take" Dylan said. "lets just take Noah's" Blake spoke out. we all agreed and hopped into the car leaving me driving, Allison in shot gun and my three brothers in the back.

Classic Man by Jidenna came on the radio but we all didn't talk at all threw the time being in the car. The only time we talked was when we argued about were Ryan's house was, like taking short cuts or which left taking.

We finally got to Ryan's house and his house was dissent but there was so many people at his party it almost looks cramped. We parked our car near the grass because thee drive way was full. When we got out of the car we only walked to the front of the house and there was already girls talking to me, or ether Blake, Locus and Dylan was already inside

"Oh my god you made it" Carol out of know were popped out with a red cup in her hand. Her blonde hair was al wavy and down, she had a baby blue bikini with no straps on the bikini top, and some White sandals. "and I see you brought the Presscots, nice" she winked at Allison. "shut up" she smiled and friendly punched her on the arm.

"okay you guys lets go to the back" smiling and leading us to the back were the pool was.

Locus and Dylan were already at the pool and Dylan did a big cannonball in the pool and everyone cheered lifting there drinks in the air.

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