chappie 27

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"elayah?" her mom shouted through the house.

"yes?" no answer

"yes!?" no answer

"goddamnit" she said getting up and walking out her room to her moms room.

"y'all need to start getting ready, the reunion is at 3, and its 2:45 right now, hurry the hell up"

elayah nods and goes back to her room.

she blasts "bitch better have my money"

"Like blah blah blah" she said twerking while getting her clothes out her suitcase. (me)

"turn up to rihanna why the whole club fucking wasted" She applies the black lipstick she always wears, putting her hair down.

she sprayed it and everything, she put half of it up, into a side ponytail.

she was satisfied with her look.

she walked out, bumping into cameron. "hey where did calum go?" she asked.

elayah thought for a second "oh he's in the guest room, after our make out session, dad said we couldn't be in the same room" elayah said chuckling.

cameron shook her and walked away. elayah snuck off to the guest room, she opened the door seeing calum laying there with his eyes closed.

she closed the door and tiptoed over to him and crawled over his body.

she leaned down so their noses were touching. he opened his eyes slowly "boo" she whispered.

he smiled widely and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"get up we have to go" elayah said, smiling when calum grunted and tightened his hold on her. "why can't we just stay here all day and cuddle" elayah sat up, "we have to go to my family reunion"

elayah climbed off of calum and he sat up watching her ass as she walked out the door. "take a pic it would last longer"

"no point its already mine" he smirked.


her family + calum walked up to the park the reunion was being held at.

"oh my is that elayah?!" she saw her cousin run up to her and she hugged her instantly. "Shana how are you, I haven't seen you in like 2 years"

"I'm good who is this beautiful piece of white meat?" Shana whispered loud enough for calum to hear making him blush.

"this is calum, my boyfriend" elayah said proudly.

"you got yoself a white boy?? ooo girl I ain't mad at ya" her cousin said laughing.

× skip her greeting everyone ×

elayah grabbed calum's hand and brought him over to the lake.

"you're not going to drown me right?" calum said stopping suddenly.

"oh shut up and just shit down."

they sat down in silence, looking at the water.



"what made you come down here?"

"I don't know, I missed seeing you even though it had only been 3 days, but I missed you a lot-"

"elayah !!"


cliffhanger woooo

who do you think it is ?

Qotd- best concert experience

Aotd- when I went to go see 5sos. michael was playing his guitar and it zoomed in on his fingers and I stg I came in my pants. but any way I was like "fuck me michael! fuck me please!!" and these girl turned around and looked at me like I was crazy and I just shrugged.

-jay the bae :))

black is beautiful// c.hDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora