chappie 25

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andrew bursts through the door.

"elayah don't do it please" he said to her.
elayah looked at andrew, confused on why he was even there. "andrew why are you even here?"

"to make you stop the decision you're about to make" elayah furrowed her eyebrows (which are on fleek btw)

"andrew you need to leave" elayah said sternly "did you take your medication?"

"I don't need that shit anymore! and fine ruin your life with him, I don't even know why the hell the liked you! Its not like you're even all that pretty!" he yelled.

that's when her dad came in, "hey hey what the hell is going on here?!" he yelled "elayah who the hell is this" he asked pointing at calum.

"the guy she's about to ruin her life with" andrew yelled again, "andrew shut the fuck up" elayah's mother now said.

"this is c-calum" she closed her eyes and took a deep breath, transitioning her weight on her left leg, "my b-boyfriend"

everything went dead silent.

elayah turned and looked at calum, to see he had a big smile on his face, she smiled back small before turning back around.

"ooooo elayah has a boyfriend !!" cameron yelled running in her room. she walked over to calum "hi, im cameron, the attractive sister" she said holding her hand out. calum chuckled and shook her hand.

"w-what the fuck!" andrew yelled, furious "you choose him over me!?" that's when elayah was furious.

"we never had anything andrew! you're my fucking best friend! I never loved you in any other way" she screamed at him.

he clenched his fists, his veins popping out. he walked closer to her "so that time is the kitchen"

"we were goofing around what the fuck!"


andrew slapped her.

she held her face. she's been through this times before with andrew, especially when he didn't take his medication.

calum jumped up and punched andrew.

"you're lucky he got to him before I did" her dad chuckled "now get up and get the fuck out, and don't you ever hit my daughter again, or I'll make sure you're dead" he said turning serious.

calum grabbed her chin and looked at the mark on her face. "fuck" he said

"Its fine calum" elayah said trying to smile.

after everyone left her room, excluding calum, she grabbed her purse and shoes and walked out of her room "where are you going?"

"backyard, I'll be back" she said.

once she got back there she did something she hasn't done in a while.

she smoked.


yea andrew isn't what y'all thought LOL.

calum being all protective BOYFRIEND


questions time !!!!

Jack or jack ?

nash or cam?

louis or harry?

calum or luke?

salsa or cheese?

Nicki or Iggy?

swimming or running ?

cheer or dance?

guys or girls?

me or me?

-jay the bae :))

black is beautiful// c.hDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora