Chapter 2

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This is Selena's sister Jane's POV


Jane's POV

I can't believe I have Selena as a sister, she is nothing but a fat cow who is to lazy to do anything. I'm just glad she gets from the pack but I think she should get more abuse as she never learns.

At school ( still Jane's POV)

When I get out of the my black BMW M6 convertible with my mates Becky and Carly, all the boys come over including my brother josh of course plus my boy Aiden, I just can't believe he is my boyfriend he's even good in bed well he has to be for being with me.

Just as we start to talk, I see my sorry excuse of a sister looking like she just came out of a dumpster.

As she comes by us, I just cant help my say "Well, well, well brother look what we have here, a poor little freak with dirty clothes going to school." I hear my friends laughing at her and smile. When I see she's ignoring us I ask "Mike to trip her up as she's  ignoring us" which he does. When he does it we just can't help ourselves and laugh even more !!!!


Oooppps there goes the bell, better go to class.  


here's my 2nd chapter guys hope you like it but Selena's POV again next chapter ok

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