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I HAD ONE AND A HALF more hours left before I needed to show up at the barbecue, and I was frantically trying to do ten things at once. Sammy was already off at his friend's house, and Mom was long gone for work, which alleviated some of my stresses, but I still needed to get ready and bake the cupcakes.

I am trying to make my world famous bacon cupcakes that were a total hit with everyone back in Florida, so I'm crossing my fingers that they will rave about them heretoo. It's not that I'm a people pleaser, it's just that I love it when people like my baking or cooking... It's just a personal thing.

I poured the remaining batter in the paper wrappers and popped them all in the oven. I had about a half an hour before I needed to take the cupcakes out and let them cool, before putting them in a box. Which meant, I had a little bit of time to clean up, and look somewhat decent for this shindig.

As I put away all the utensils and equipment I used for making my batter, my phone started ringing. I put down the bowl that I was in the middle of cleaning, and walked to the other side of the counter where my phone was perched.

When I picked it up, I saw that it was a Face-time call from Mel and that I had missed all her texts.

"Hiya. What's up?" I said as soon as Mel's face popped up on the screen.

"Ew what the hell are covered with Mads?" She exclaimed scrunching her eyebrows. I looked at the little image of my face on the corner of my screen and realized that I was still, for the most part, covered in flour and God knows what.

"Oh shoot, I didn't even realize. Damn, I was making cupcakes... I gotta go clean up.." I replied with my eyes wide. "Wait, what are you wearing to this?"

"Shorts and a tank-top!" Mel replied back.

"Oh okay, so I'll just pop a romper on after I clean myself off." I said to her.

"Look adorable like you always do!" Mel yelled from the screen, "I'll see you there!"

I set down my phone once I hung up and proceeded to run upstairs and jump in the shower. After a hasty, but refreshing clean, I wrapped my towel around me and made my way to my room. I opened my very messy closet and rummaged around for my aboriginal print romper that I bought two summers ago. Let's hope this thing still fits me.

GOTCHA. There it is, I grabbed the hem of the dress and tugged on it forcefully, pulling out a couple of socks and shorts in the process. So that's where my navy blue shorts went... I've been looking for that thing, for like forever.

I hurriedly slipped on the one piece and dried my hair as well as put a little bit of natural makeup on before scurrying downstairs to check on my cupcakes.

I had forty five more minutes left to take out the cupcakes, let them cool, ice them, put them in a box, and then make my way to the Colton's house. I could do it right? Well at least if I'm late, I'll have the cupcakes to blame.

Thinking about going to Tyler's house made me groan internally, because I'd actually have to be polite and greet him and thank him for having me. Curse my manners and my kindness... on most days. UGH. 

I whipped out my wilton icing packs that I had prepared this morning and waited for the timer to go off. After about 20 minutes of fast pace work, I had managed to ice all the cupcakes with ease and garnished them with a pieces of bacon. 

I ran out the door with three boxes of cupcakes in one hand and the other hand was busy searching for my car keys in my purse. Ah ha! I wrapped my hand around my UCLA lanyard and yanked out my bundle of keys. I then proceeded to lock the door, jump in my car, and speed to the dreaded house. How ironic though, that I was speeding to a place I didn't even want to be. Again, damn my urge to be polite. 

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