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IT WAS AROUND SIX, when Amy and Mel showed up at my doorstep. 

"How'd you find out where I live?" I asked incredulously as they stepped into my house.

"The student directory you nugget!" Mel laughed. "Don't worry, I promise you we're not that creepy. Maybe a little, but not that much!"

I laughed along with them and welcomed them to my room. It's been a while since the last time I've had a girls night over at my house, and I'm sure my mom would be happy to see me hanging with my friends.

"I have no idea what to wear to this thing guys, is it a casual cute kind of thing, or a comfy cute thing?" I asked the two of them as they were setting up their things in my room. I walked over to my closet and pulled out a bunch of my clothes and spread them out on my bed.

"It's a cute summer casual, it really doesn't matter, just whatever you're comfortable in! This tank top is so cute, you should wear it with some white shorts!" Amanda replied, picking up a loose fitting grey camisole, and throwing it to me. I didn't even know I had that thing but it was definitely cute.

I went back into my closet to grab my white shorts, a white bandeau and put the whole outfit on. I took one look at myself in the mirror and decided that it was good enough. After curling my hair a little bit and giving myself some waves, I applied a little bit of eyeliner and mascara and was ready to go. 

Amanda wore a short sun dress with her hair up in a pony tail, and Mel wore a loose fitting crop top and denim shorts. I grabbed my purse, threw a couple of necklaces on and rushed after my two friends who were already in the living room chatting animatedly with my little brother.

"Maddy you look good! Where are you going??" He asked me interestedly, hopping on one foot.

"I'm going to hang out with my friends bud! The babysitter's going to stay with you until mom comes back okay? Have fun munchkin!" I told him and kissed him goodbye. 

"Okay bye! Have fun!" He replied happily before sprinting back to his toys in the living room.


WE GOT TO THE SHACK in no time thanks to Mel's speedy and somewhat unsafe driving. Maybe I'll drive next time, it was the safer option.

Lucy's diner was a small restaurant located in the middle of town, with it's fifties feel and pastel decor. It was a quaint little hang out that was already packed by the time we got there.

I walked straight to the single door and pushed it open. A flood of noise came through once I opened the door, and you could hear the jumbles of teenage conversations mixing together in one weirdly satisfying environment. The place was packed with people from different groups contaminating their own little area, and I couldn't help to think that it looked a little bit like the cafeteria but just more tightly packed, and less stressed out.

"This is pretty cool Mel." I turned to tell her.

"Yeah, so this is what happens most Friday nights. Especially when it's football season, we come down here for pre-game or after the game, it's tradition."

I nodded and took in the scenery. Back in Florida, football games were a big deal, and if you were good at football, you were a rockstar. It was intense, to say the least. Football guys were not at all down to earth, their football careers came before all else, so there was nothing like this. No time for community for our guys, it was all big time leagues and championships in their minds. Sounds familiar.

"Over here guys!" Jake yelled from the farthest corner booth of the diner, "Come and join us!"

We made our way over to the couple of guys sitting in the booth and greeted Jake before settling in. I ordered a cheeseburger with fries with a strawberry milkshake, Mel ordered chicken tenders, and Amy ordered a regular burger with an Oreo cookie milkshake. My friends were pigs and I loved it. 

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