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I HAD NEVER KNOWN MY FATHER, nor did I want to. From a very young age, I had blurred the memory of him out until he was just a blip in the realms of my mind. I don't blame him though. Married at 20, and kids at 22, was probably not the life he envisioned for himself as a rising football star at the time. Wyatt Jacobs, famously known for his career as the Los Angeles Ram's starting running back, not famously known for being a father. Not that anyone would know anyways, he left before I was even out of the oven.

"RAMS WITH THE WIN!" my step-dad Owen yelled from the passenger seat of our spacious Subaru. To which my mother replied curtly, "great, now can we switch?"

Owen didn't know that I was the offspring of his long time idol, nor did he know that I knew who my father was. It was a sealed subject due to my mom's sensitivity to anything Wyatt Jacobs related, but Owen's obsession with him made it so his name was sure to show up time and time again.

I looked out the window at the palm trees surrounding the neighborhood we were in, and sighed. A new home right before my senior year, and a new home closer to my biological father. I wasn't excited for life in Los Angeles at all, I was completely and utterly repulsed by the idea.

I suppressed an urge to scream. But hey, better than another night at those stinkin' motels.

"Momma, Can we get some ice cream once we get there?" My seven year old brother Sammy asked. Sammy was a creation of my mom and Owen, so he thankfully didn't have the same pain to share of having a runaway dad.

"Sure Sammers, we'll do that once we get settled in okay?" She replied, as he sunk back into his seat and drifted off again.

My eyes darted back and forth from the scenery and my mind reeling with the new atmosphere around me. Suddenly, it hit me hard. I missed home, and I missed my best friend.

I whipped out my phone and scrolled down to text Jared, my best friend since the second grade. 

M: Hey Jare, tell me a joke to pull me out of my self-confining misery.

J: OK.. so when fruit comes from a fruit tree, what kind of tree does chicken come from? 

M: Uhm? No idea.

J: A Poul-Tree!!! HAHAHA. I'm hilarious.

M: Why do you have such an weird obsession with chicken?! and 50 bucks says you looked up chicken jokes a minute ago.

J: That's for me to know and you to find out ;). But on that note, how are you feeling with the whole 'you're moving to a place 3,000 from Florida and you have no say' fiasco?

M: I'm terrified. How am I supposed to survive senior year without you? This blows, and there's no way to describe how I'm actually feeling... I HATE THIS!!!

J: Mads, I know one way you can describe it. You're feeling like...

M: Like what? Please do enlighten me.

J: A Frazzled Chicken.

And he was right.



AND THERE IT IS! My first chapter of my first book.... wow this is really exhilarating!

I know this is super short, and not really of much substance, but next chapter we see Lizzie's first day of school, so that should be pretty exciting if you ask me!

My love and thanks goes to all of you who are willing to test the waters with me, and again any feedback would be so appreciated! Votes work too! 

-xo. Nikki

(P.S. I've changed the name of the characters, and I have given the story more detail and plans for the future, so enjoy!)

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