He Finds Out You Self Harm

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This one probably won't be as good as the other ones cause I'm not too good with writing about this topic, I feel like you almost can't write about this topic it unless you have gone through it so you know what it's like and I haven't self harmed before so sorry if  this is where I drop the ball. 


Josh- You were standing at the counter making dinner when your phone started to buzz, you looked at it and it was yet another hate notification from being Josh's girlfriend. As much as you love being with Josh and how amazing he is, it's almost unbearable to get this much hate. Lately you've been pretty good at keeping it in but today was not one of those days, you glanced at the knife you were using to cut the vegetables and thought 'what if I just cut myself once, that wouldn't be too bad what it?' So you slowly pick up the knife and slide it across your arm, you realize how good that felt and you make another cut, and another, and another, and another.  You don't even realize how far you've gone until Josh walks in and sees blood all over the counter and you tears running down your face that you didn't even realize there. Josh runs over to you and grabs the knife out of your hand, "What the fuck you think you're doing?!" asks you with tears started forming his eyes. " I- I- I didn't even realize it was this bad until you got here." you whisper. Just grabbed your hand and walk to you over to the bathroom. He sits you down on the toilet and goes to the cabinet to grab disinfectant and some gotten some Band-Aids. He cleans up your arm and then gives you a hug, you feel tears running down the side of your neck and you start crying too. "Baby girl why were you doing that?" "I get so much hate for being with you, they hate me because Amanda made you happier than I do and because I'm not good enough for you." you reply. "But darling you do make me happy, you make me happier than Amanda ever did. And you're better than me, I don't want any and any other person in the world then you."

Matt- You sat there and watched as the red spots slowly show up on your arm as you'd take your curling iron off your arm. You honestly don't know why you even do it anymore, you don't know why you put yourself through the pain that you do, maybe it's the small amount of hate that you get, maybe it's your family always favoring your twin sister, or maybe you just do it for a rush, but for whatever reason you still do it. Matt asks what all the red spots on your arm are from and you tell him that you that you're not that good at doing your hair, it's not that hard to believe you, you really aren't that good at doing your hair, but you can straighten your hair without burning yourself. Matt teases you about it saying that your "burn prone" which is partially true. So there you sat on your bedroom for making things harder for you than they really needed to be for absolutely no reason at all, Matt walks in and doesn't think much of it until he realizes that you're doing it to yourself on purpose. "Y/N!" He rips the cord out of the socket and runs over to grabs your arm to look at it. Sadness washes over his face when he realizes that all this time you've been lying to him about your "burn proneness." Without saying a word he gets up to go to the bathroom to grab the burn cream and gauze while you sit there and start crying. Matt comes back and cleans up your arm and grabs your curling iron and throws it in the garbage, "If you're going to do that to yourself I don't want you to have that curling iron anymore. Why would you even do that to yourself?" "I don't even know anymore Matt, I used to have a reason but now I don't." Matt pulls you into hugging you both sit there you crying and Matt trying to comfort you, "Promise me you'll stopped darling," he says, "please." "Never again Matt, never again."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2015 ⏰

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