Chapter 6

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I walk outside. I should have came out here from the beginning. It's not as claustrophobic as it is inside.

The first thing I notice is the huge pool. It is the size of a basketball court if that. There's a hot tub connected to it also. There's a basketball court to the left of the pool and a tennis court to the right. Is this a resort or something?

We were wealthy up in New York not not this wealthy to have these things. What does Jack's parents do?

I walk around and see no one I know. I head down to the lake. It's like a mini beach down there with sand. There's maybe 15 people down there surrounded by a fire. That's where I find the boys.

The first one to notice me is Nate.

"Heyyy Kamryn!!" He's not slurring his words but there's something off about him. Maybe he's high?

Right when he said that everyone turned around and stared at me. Well this is awkward.

Sammy jumps up from his chair and runs over to me. He picks me up and squezzes me. Hard.

"Kamryn I didn't think you'd actually come!" Yep he's definitely drunk. He then let's me down

"Why does everyone think that? That's exactly what J just told me. And besides, I texted you both saying I was on my way."

Sammy started patting his pockets. "Shit I lost my phone again. Swazz come help me find it!" Sammy runs to the house and swazz follows.

I haven't really talked to swazz before. The only time I see him is at lunch. Even though I'm friends with these guys I still don't sit with them at lunch. I sit by myself. And I think he's younger than all of us anyway, maybe a junior?

"Come sit here Kam." Nate points to a chair next to him.

I sit and that's what I see Gilinsky. He's has a red cup in his hand standing by the fire. Then I notice the girl that I saw talking to him earlier today by his jeep was standing next to him.

He whispers something in her ear and she looks at me. She smiles and starts walking towards me. Oh no.

"Hi, my name is Emily." She sticks out her hand and smiles.

I shake her hand. "I'm Kamryn."

She sits on the ground next to me.

"So how long have you lived her?" She asks.

"Almost 3 months I think."

"Cool. Do you like our school?"

"It's okay I guess. I mean who likes school?" This is awkward. Why is she talking to me?

She laughs, "yeah I guess your right."

For maybe 30 minutes me and her just have a conversation. About school, where I'm from, why I moved here. And for some reason I'm comfortable around her. She's actually pretty cool.

"Well I got to go get some more to drink, I'll be right back." She says and she walks off.

I see Gilinsky smiling.

"Why are you smiling like that?" I ask in a harsh tone.

"Oh no reason. I just thought you didn't really get along with girls."

"And who said that?" But I already know the answer.


"Can no one keep anything to themselves around here?" I joke.

The next thing I know is Johnson running out to us.

"Guys Sammy's in a fight again." J says.

"Oh god. Who this time?" Nate asks.

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