Chapter 4

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I get home and run upstairs. Throw my bag on the floor then jump on my bed. I haven't talked to Jason much today so I'm excited to talk to him and tell him how everything went.

I texted him saying I was calling him. He replied back with an 'ok' so I dialed his number.


"Hey babe" I say.

"Heyyy how was your first day?"

"It was good I guess. Weird."

"Yeah what was your text about? You were the talk of the school? What did you do?" He asked.

"Nothing. I barely talked to anyone besides the teachers and like 4 people." I explain.

"You met new friends?"

"Not really 'new friends' I would say. But people I talked too."

"Who were they?" Uh oh what do I say?

"Um just some guys- so how was your day?"

"Guys? I was expecting girls, not guys. What the fuck Kamryn."

I love Jason to death. Don't get me wrong..but he gets jealous really easy. He's been in several fights because of me. I promised him that I won't get attached to anyone down here so it'll be easier for me to move back after school ends.

"Why the fuck are you getting so upset for? It was my first day Jason I'm not going to be rude to the people that go out of their way and start a conversation with me. I'm new here, you're not going understand."

"I'm not upset. I'm concerned. I don't want anyone fucking with you Kamryn. Why is that so hard for you to understand?"

"I understand your intentions, but how you are going about it is what's making me mad."

"Okay well sorry. I got to go. I'm throwing a party tonight."

I was not expecting that.

"Well good to know."

And I hang up. I don't know why I got so mad. I haven't been like that towards him for a while. It just rubbed me the wrong way. It's not like I'm the one that cheated..

Last year was the worst year of our relationship. He got drunk one night and had sex with my best friend. I know, that's something you'd see in a movie right? After that I never really befriended girls. I had Jason and then acquaintances and that was it.

I forgave Jason after about a month. None of my family ever found out. I didn't want them too. They actually like Jason. I knew I was always going to get back with him so I didn't want to ruin that. But we've been good since then. Don't know what just happened.

I hear the front door open and my brother calling for me.

"Kamryn come down here!"

I run down stairs to see Gilinsky standing in the door way.

"What are you doing here?"

"I dropped your brother off. You know he's really good at b-ball. I practiced with him today and he really impressed all of us. Especially coach." Jack explained.

"Yep, coach said I made the team!" Brayden said. Wow he's so happy. I haven't seen him this excited for the past couple of months.

"Oh my gosh Brayden yay!" I hugged him.

"Thank you. I'm going to go call Chase and tell him about it." Chase is Braydens best friend back in New York.

Now it's just me and Jack downstairs alone...

"Thank you for bringing him home, I appreciate it. I didn't know you played basketball." I say.

"Just something else for to know about me." He smirks.

"I guess so." Oh my gosh why am I smiling like a silly little girl?

"So how was your first day?"

"Good I guess. I like my classes." I tell him.

"Yeah school is good. But that is not the best part of Omaha. You need to check out the night life kid, parties for days."

"Quit calling me 'kid' Jack!" I hit his arm.

"Damn, you got some power to your punch. Do you play any sports or any activities?"

"No, I mean I run every once in a while but no sports really. I like to draw." Why did I tell him that?

"One day you need to show me. But right now I have to leave. Got a family thing tonight, kill me." He rolls his eyes.

"Ohhh I'm sure it won't be too bad."

"You don't know my family. I love them but sometimes they're a little too much."

"Oh I understand that completely."

Which I do.

"Well you're still coming to my party next Friday right?"

"I said I'll see Jack. Don't know anyone well. I don't want to go and just sit there and look like even more of a loner than I do at school."

"I won't let that happen Kamryn. You'll be stuck with me." He smiles.

Did he really just say that?

"Okay Jack. Like I said I'll see."

"I'll talk you into it. See ya tomorrow kid." And he walks out the door.

"See you tomorrow Jack." I whisper to myself.

I run upstairs and all I'm wanting to do is draw. Before I know it it's 11 o'clock. I'm so tired and then I realize I haven't eaten anything since lunch. So I go downstairs to get something to eat and find my parents in the kitchen.

"Hey Kam, haven't seen you all day." My dad says while hugging me.

Me and my dad have always had a strained relationship. Even when I was little ever since..something happened that I don't like to bring up. So it was shocking that he just did that.

I go over by the fridge and grabbed a lunchable. I stayed down in the kitchen for about 20 minutes just talking to my parents about my day and theirs. Saying that, I've never had the best relationship with either of my parents. So I was happy to tell them about my day.

I run back upstairs and check my phone. I haven't been on it since I got off the phone with Jason. I saw I had a follow on twitter from 5 people.

They were the boys.. Nate, Sammy, and Jack and Jack. Even the swazz kid. How did they find me? I saw that I also had a text.

*hey it's Sammy. I followed you on twitter. Nate saw your user so he gave it to us, hope you don't mind. Your brother also gave me your number btw(:*

*lmao no I don't mind* I text back.

*good. Also Gilinsky said you're coming to our party, can't wait!*

Oh my god Jack..why is he telling his friends?

*not sure yet. We'll just have to wait and see*

*okayyyy Kamryn. See you tomorrow.*

*goodnight Sammy* I send back.

Then in no time I fall asleep. What a long day.

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