Chapter 2

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I wake up to my annoyingly loud alarm. It's 7 so I gave myself an hour and a half to get ready. I jump out of bed, throw on black high waisted pants and a white crop top. Then some black ankle boots. I don't really know what the dress code is at Westside Highschool but I don't really care. My hair is naturally curly and long so I just leave it down.

I go down stairs to find my parents have already left so I call for my brother.

"Brayden hurry up we have to go!"

"Hang on I'm right here. Let me just grab a water."

I do the same and then we take off for our first day at the new highschool.

When we get to the school I was surprised. There were a lot more people then I thought there'd be.

"Do you know where you're going?" I asked Brayden.

"Yes, unlike you I actually went to the open house. Maybe that'll teach you next time not to ditch."

"There won't be a next time kid. At least for me there won't."

"Aren't you going to college?"

I just shrug.

We walk into the school and I look around, it's freaking huge. Well not as big as my school back in New York but still bigger than I was expecting.

"Okay gotta go sis!" Brayden says while already running off.

I guess now I have to find my way around here myself.

I walk to class looking like a lost puppy. I probably really look like a freshman. It's not my fault but still kind of embarrassing.

*help me :(* I text Jason

*you'll do fine! Good luck babe I love you*

After I read his reply I put my phone back in my pocket and walk into class.

My first period is English. I don't know if it's different down here but this was my favorite class back home. It was the most easiest for me too. I sit in the back corner. Not trying to disturb anyone. Damn I just realized I'm about 10 minutes early.

I get my phone back out and go on Twitter. Nothing new since school up in New York doesn't start for another two weeks. So they're all sleeping right now.

The bell finally rings and class has begun. Our teacher stands up front.

"Good morning everyone, hope you had a good summer. My name is Mrs. Rodgers. I'm passing out the class syllabus, just turn this in by the end of the week."

As she starts handing out the papers the door busts open and 3 boys run inside.

"Heyyy Mrs. Rogers!" The blonde one says.

"Hey Mrs. Rogers! We were just talking to the principal about...something" the dark haired says.

"Mhm sit down Wilkinson and Jacks. You're late."

"I swear we have an excuse! We were just talking to Mr. Isaacs about..."

"Just sit down Gilinsky."

Is she calling them by their last names? Is that what they do here? As I'm thinking that I also realize that the only free seats are the ones next to mine. This is my favorite class so don't want any distributions and these boys already have been one. The blonde one sits next to me and the dark haired one sits behind him and the light brown haired one sits behind me.

"Psst do you have a pencil?"

I turn around and see the dark haired one is talking to me. Annoyed, I turn back around.

"Hey! Do you have a penil?" He says quietly to me again.

"No I don't. The only one I have is mine now stop talking to me." I snap back. I know it might have been a little rude but he was already annoying me and it's only been 5 minutes.

"Ouch. Did I hit a nerve sweety?" He replied back.

It took me all I had not to turn around and to claw his eyes out. I just ingnored him. Which I think he was surprised by.

For the rest of class Mrs. Rodgers talked about what we will be doing in here. Which sounded easy to me. I actually like the teacher so that's a plus too.

The bell rang and I gathered my things and left the classroom. I walked to my next class.

The next two classes went by fast. They were electives so they are going to be easy. Now it's time for lunch. I always bring my lunch so I sat down and started eating when the light brown haired boy from first period sits down next to me.

"Hi, my name is Sammy." He said while he sticks out his hand with a huge smile on his face.. Why is he so happy?

"I'm Kamryn." I shook his hand. He's super cute not going to lie. But not really my type I guess? He seems like a big jock.

"You looked lonely over here so I thought I'd keep you company. Where are you from?"

"New York" I replied.

"Ooh yes I can tell by your accent. Very Brooklyn."

"Yeah?" What am I suppose to say to that?

"Well you can come sit with me and my friends if you want." He nodded over to a table full of boys that were all staring at me. I see the other two boys from my class and then two other ones with dark hair. I see that one of the boys has tattoos.

"No I'm good. But thanks anyways."

"Okayyy well don't say I didn't ask."

"Wouldn't dream of it." Then gave him a big fake smile.

He walked back over to his table.

***I really like this chapter. I think I started it well? Idk. Tell me what you think! My twitter is @stripperjacks ***
***also! If you want to picture in your head what kamryn looks like then picture Hellen Owen. Her Instagram is @hellenowen so you can look and she what Kamryn is suppose to look like***

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