Chapter 16

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Their pace wasn't too slow, or too hurried.

They needed to get things done with as soon as possible—they needed that information and to stop Ketsu from doing something that would no doubt be very bad for the Akatsuki—so they couldn't just amble along. But at the same time, they didn't want to head there at full speed; with the amount of people Ketsu had around the place acting as contacts and telling him of anything that was going on, if they went too fast, they'd catch someone's attention. Then their plan would go completely up in smoke and Ketsu would be allowed to get away. True, with Ryoshi's jutsu they could track him once more, but tracking him wouldn't do any good if he was able to get away each and every time they tried to go after him—and then he'd know they were receiving extra help and were catching up, and do even more to keep his distance. So they kept the pace relatively normal; considering their speed was hindered by having to keep to the shadows and keep on the lookout for anyone, trying to move fast merely balanced it out—so they continued that way.

"Be patient, Kakuzu. I know you're angry—I've been there too, believe me—but give it a while, and his head will be yours. Along with the bounty that comes with it."

Hearing Ryoshi's soft voice, Kakuzu glanced to the side to see her staring back at him intently, a small smirk on her face—but not one that was meant to mock him. She was a bounty hunter herself, after all; she knew what it was like to want someone's bounty that badly. It was how she understood exactly what was up with him and why he was getting so tense about this. With how many years she had been doing bounty hunting, she knew the feeling well. That thrill of the chase was something she experienced more often than he did; but somehow Kakuzu doubted any possible bounties Ryoshi selected got away from her in the way Ketsu had from him, causing him to return the smirk and voice that fact out loud. Hiding that same warm sensation that arrived as Kakuzu spoke, Ryoshi's smirk stayed as she shrugged imperceptibly, responding casually,

"That's not necessarily true—it can happen to anyone. Not to mention; I work alone. You work with a partner for the most part, and then on some missions, like this one, it includes you all, and considering Ketsu knew of you anyway because you need information off of him and were therefore looking for him in the first place, he was on the lookout to begin with. Bounty hunting is made easier by being able to move swiftly back and forth from place to place; to travel as quickly as your prey is. It's just harder in your current situation."

Kakuzu shrugged imperceptibly at her comment, knowing their situation didn't make anything easier and that she was right—but still found a sense of longing pass over him. A sudden wish to have Ryoshi as his partner in the Akatsuki, rather than the likes of Hidan, the image of that possibility flashing up in his mind. In the moment it disappeared, Kakuzu frowned and tried to focus back in on what was around him, wondering where the hell that thought had come from. Yes, he got on with Ryoshi, and they shared similarities, meaning that if they were partners in the Akatsuki, it would be easy as anything to work together. Yes, there would no doubt be no more arguments, considering their personalities were more suited to each other, and he wouldn't have to deal with Hidan's ridiculous religion (no offence meant to Jashin). Missions in general would be easier, without anyone complaining or whining about the bounty hunts. Kakuzu knew those facts were true. But the facts weren't what those images had been concentrating on. It had been the general atmosphere of how things would be; the day-to-day goings on that would occur if he were partnered with Ryoshi. For once, things would seem less like a job, and just overall enjoyable. It was a desirable possibility.

But shaking his head, Kakuzu pushed it aside. He worked with Hidan—as much as he hated that fact, and although it would be a lot better if he partnered with Ryoshi, he knew it wouldn't happen. So it was better if he just focused on them working together now; though it would end up being a double-edged sword. He could tell. Hiding a scowl underneath his mask at how he kept working himself up like this, wondering what the hell was going on with him lately, he rolled his shoulders and zoned back in on the path ahead. He had never been one to fantasise and dream; it wasn't reality. He worked in the Akatsuki, and Ryoshi had her own life, and that was the way things were.

Even though that thought sent a ripple of disappointment through his body.

When conversation started up again, Kakuzu couldn't help but be glad of it, and soon all the confusion that had been ruling his thoughts for the past few minutes dissipated, and he fell into a discussion with Ryoshi as they travelled. They tried to take as little breaks as possible, travelling at their steady pace continuously. Ryoshi pulled forward to the front of the group in order to make sure they were heading in the right direction—and it didn't take long for Kakuzu to follow her, their discussion continuing. When working in the Akatsuki, relationships didn't matter. Whether you were friends with your partner or not, it wasn't important. All that mattered was that your abilities worked well together and you got the job done. So to get the chance to actually work with someone you got on well was a little unusual. But Kakuzu wasn't about to pass it up when he'd have to go back to working with Hidan, and as such spent his time talking about bounties. The mission never truly faded from their minds, true, but it wasn't as prominent as it might have been before, and that fact went on as the journey continued throughout the day.

But being at the front of the group, and their conversation not stopping even as they halted a while for lunch, it was hard for the rest of the Akatsuki to not notice how they were with each other. Kakuzu wasn't an overly distant person in personality, like Itachi or Pein were; his emotions were still evident, after all. He just made sure he forcefully kept everyone around him at arms length at all times. People didn't matter to him, and he never made an effort to appear different. So to see him being so vocal with Ryoshi...and in such a relaxed was a surprise. For most people it wouldn't be considered a close relationship, but for Kakuzu, it was more than anyone had ever expected from him. It was why they couldn't seem to take their eyes off of them as they sat talking while they ate—until eventually both Kakuzu and Ryoshi noticed, turning to glare at them all, spitting a question as to what they were all looking at.

"Nothing. We just noticed you two seem to be getting along well after not knowing each other for long."

"We're both bounty hunters; a lot of the things we do are therefore similar, and it'd good to catch up on details of things happening," Kakuzu growled back, tensing. He knew exactly where this was going—as if it hadn't been bad enough with Hidan.

"No, we get it, un. It's just you keep going off on your own together, that's all. No one's had any chance to talk to you guys, un, just focusing on each other and nothing else," Deidara chipped in, Ryoshi honing in on that stupid little smug smirk on his face, prompting her to shoot back,

"Then feel free to join our conversation. We're talking about the alterations to the newest bingo books available and the situation with certain collection offices. No takers? Then leave us alone."

With that, they both turned back to each other and began conversing once more, ignoring the rest of the gazes that slowly looked away, rolling their eyes at the aggressive reactions from both. But it became harder and harder to ignore for both Ryoshi and Kakuzu as the conversation flickered through their heads once more. Forcing themselves to not fidget uncomfortably, they attempted to forget about it all...though they couldn't stop their voices dropping, the dialogue slower and more hesitant now. They didn't want to get affected by anything the others had to say; they were idiots. But some of what they said managed to worm its way into their brains, and the more they thought about it, they more they began to consider it might just be right after all.

Were they really get affected that much by each other?    

When Money Isn't Good Enough (Kakuzu Story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon