Chapter 8

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They continued to talk here and there while the journey continued, even though it wasn't going to be very long.

Getting into a full-length discussion would have been unusual for the two; there wasn't anyone they were close enough with and had enough similarities with in order to have that kind of conversation, it was true. But the way Kakuzu and Ryoshi were talking at the moment was even stranger—because it was just casual chitchat. Having not known each other for long, they weren't exactly close or even really friends, and yet they felt relaxed in each other's presence, and it was reflected with the way they were talking with each other. There was no true point to it, just easy-going dialogue that flowed between them effortlessly, not even thinking about what was to come. That would occur in due time, and it felt as if they didn't need to think about it. They were content to just focus on spending time with each other, and nothing more.

Those compliments, too, remained, though neither Kakuzu nor Ryoshi could quite get used to that—in several ways. It felt strange to be saying them; people were people. Though they might admit that someone was intelligent or powerful, they wouldn't ever truly say it in a complimentary way—it was just matter-of-fact. Yet now it was for that purpose; knowing that it was flattering the other and wanting that to occur. It felt right to do so, even if that idea in itself seemed wrong. Not to mention their reactions to it. In most situations, a compliment would be something both Ryoshi and Kakuzu would brush off, rolling their eyes at whoever had given it. For the most part, it would be some random guy hitting on Ryoshi that she'd get it from, and she wasn't about to be impressed with that, and any compliment Kakuzu expected was one said dripping with sarcasm. Yet with each other, they felt flattered. Ryoshi hadn't blushed in her entire life, but this had to be the closest she had been to it because of what Kakuzu was saying, and Kakuzu, in turn, was completely dumbstruck at what she was saying—and the fact she actually meant it. His brain just shut down, and he couldn't think of anything to say in return.

But still they couldn't figure out why they were doing it to begin with.

It took about an hour before they finally reached the hideout, and they weren't sure if they were glad of it or not. It gave them a chance to get away from all the unusual thoughts and feelings that had appeared during the journey and a chance for them to attempt to understand it all. But at the same time, they weren't sure if they really wanted to think about it. It wasn't something they'd ever come across before, and therefore didn't comprehend it—what if they tried to figure it out, and it wasn't quite what they wanted? What if it changed everything? That uncertainty was what made them pause; but they brushed it off. They would be working together, they couldn't just act wary of each other constantly. They knew they got on; they knew they had similarities and had a connection. True, they might not fully understand it, but they weren't about to let it get in the way. Glancing at each other, like they managed to convey that thought telepathically, they simply nodded at one another and headed towards the hideout.

As they entered and began to walk down the corridor, it was clear to Kakuzu that the rest of the Akatsuki had arrived, as he could hear more than one voice echoing through the building. Rolling his eyes at this development, unsure if he was alright with it or not, he opted to head straight to Pein's office first, to let him know that he'd found and recruited Ryoshi, before he would then introduce her to the others. Glancing over his shoulder, he told her where he would be taking her, and nodding in acceptance of that fact, she told him to lead her on. But as he did so, he couldn't help but keep as quiet as possible to avoid alerting the others to their presence. Somehow he wasn't quite ready to let them know; knowing the kind of stuff that the likes of Hidan would say...and knowing some of it wouldn't exactly be wrong. Though shaking that off a second later, Kakuzu focused back in as the door appeared in front of him, one of the rooms right at the very back of the hideout. Looking at Ryoshi one last time, but knowing she'd be fine with it all, he turned back to the door and knocked, waiting only a few moments before he heard a word of consent to come in.

Turning the doorknob, Kakuzu entered first, stepping aside to let Ryoshi in after him, before once again closing the door behind him. The light was dimmer in here than it was in the rest of the hideout, but that was to be expected considering there were no windows. But as Ryoshi glanced around, she saw it was well kept and tidy, everything in its proper place, before Pein took her attention as he stood up and walked a little closer; allowing her to stare back into the Rinnegan with a smirk. He was definitely powerful; he radiated an aura that meant she could just tell—it was quite an experience to be seeing it. For a moment there was silence, before Kakuzu finally spoke up quietly,

"Leader-sama, this is Ryoshi Shokin. She's willing to help us in our mission."

"Good. Kakuzu says you're renowned for your tracking skills. How is it that they are different to most?" Pein shot back; not doubting her abilities, but merely...curious, and sensing this, she responded calmly,

"I can sense things about a person; I don't need to know their chakra, their appearance—though that is more helpful. Once I have some information on them, I can search for them. I can...almost separate my mind from my body; and connect it with the earth itself. Then using the information I know; I can find who I'm looking for. I make connections with that person, and it allows me to enter their dreams; manipulate them, discover more about them...and then always know their location."

Raising an eyebrow at this description, Pein didn't need to know anymore. What she had said had confirmed her power, and he noted Kakuzu's smirk as she said it. He was impressed with her; and it took a lot for that to happen. So taking it all into account, he welcomed her into the Akatsuki for the mission, turning to Kakuzu and saying he could give her the spare room, and they could figure out what they needed to do from there. Nodding in agreement, they turned to the door, Ryoshi thanking him and inclining her head in respect, before stepping out of the office behind Kakuzu. Pein couldn't stop a smirk from flashing up onto his face, however. Kakuzu seemed attached to her, somehow. He'd been tense while they'd spoken—as if he was concerned about how it would turn out. But seeing as Kakuzu wasn't one to act like that normally, Pein knew she had to be a lot of ways.

Kakuzu passed by Ryoshi's room as they headed back down the corridor, opening the door and allowing her to look around. Though he pointed out it was basic, she shrugged at that comment—all she needed was necessities, after all. With the amount of travelling she did, it's not like she actually had a proper home; or the possessions to fill it, for that matter. But smirking at that, Kakuzu turned and gestured for her to follow, this part the one he wasn't particularly looking forward to. But knowing it had to be done, he led Ryoshi towards the living room, and pausing at the door, laying his hand on the doorknob, he turned back to look at her with a irritated look in his eyes as he growled softly,

"And now it's time for you to meet the rabble,"

Before opening the door and stepping in.

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