Chapter 13

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The next day was calm and sunny, perfectly matching both Kakuzu's and Ryoshi's moods.

There were still parts of them that were uncertain about a lot of things when it came down to each other; they weren't used to these kind of reactions and feeling that close to a person, and hadn't experienced it in a long time. It was still something they were getting used to. But the idea that they shared so many similarities between them, it meant they understood more than they might have done otherwise. And although they had told themselves long ago that it didn't matter to them, that they didn't want it and never would they noticed their reactions to each other and how their emotions played out because of it, they knew it felt good. True, neither of them were about to admit it in the slightest, but inwardly, at least, they knew it was there and understood that it felt good to be experiencing it, and as such, as much as they might have wanted to brush it aside, and act as if it was nothing—a side effect, and nothing more—both Kakuzu and Ryoshi couldn't help but let it be, silently appreciating what they were feeling. It wasn't as if the chance came around often.

It was why both of them had lain in bed for a moment when they woke up, not getting up just yet to pass a thought to all that had happened over the last couple of days. It was almost laughable how things had turned out; it was nothing like either of them. But then again, they'd never imagined they'd meet someone who shared the same kind of beliefs and opinions in so many areas of their lives. So for a moment they stayed where they were, staring up at the ceiling and smirking at it all before they began to get ready for the day. But Kakuzu paused once more. Why? It was a question that had abruptly appeared in his mind, and one that didn't seem to be fading away. Why Ryoshi? True, they were similar in a lot of ways and understood each other—but that didn't exactly mean things would turn out like they had. It felt as if there was something more than just what was evident on the surface—only Kakuzu couldn't figure out what it was. His mind ran over it several times as he got up and got ready, pulling on his hood and mask and slipping on his cloak as he left the room to head to the kitchen. But as he spotted Ryoshi exiting her room and nodding in greeting, it disappeared. What did it matter? He was looking way too far into this. They were friends, and got on well—they were working together. That's all that mattered now.

He had other things to concentrate on.

"When are you planning on doing the tracking? Not that I'm rushing you, but as you said you'd start off with a basic one, isn't it best to get started right away?" Kakuzu began casually, getting straight to the point as they fell into step beside each other on their way to the kitchen. Noticing that fact with a smirk, Ryoshi nodded and replied simply,

"Yeah; I'm just going to read through the information a little more, and once I've got a clear image of it in my mind I'll do the basic tracking."

Now reaching the kitchen, Kakuzu pointed out where the food was and they both began to get breakfast, chatting absentmindedly in the meantime about the tracking—Kakuzu still pointing out that he wanted to be there to see it. Once again that feeling came over Ryoshi, though she didn't blush this time. Glancing up at his face, she hid a frown. Why was she getting so caught up over this? He was curious about the whole thing, which was to be expected considering she was using it for the mission; it wasn't a big deal. He needed to know what it was like for the job ahead of them. It was a logical explanation, and yet it affected her more than she would ever have thought. But glancing up into Kakuzu's eyes once more, she shook her head a little, knowing what made this different.

He seemed interested in it; more than anyone else in her life had been. He was curious about it and wanted to know more—maybe a little impressed by it. That was what had caught Ryoshi out; because no one had ever truly felt her abilities were that amazing. Ninja villages had come to her for her to track someone a couple of times, but only as a last resort, and even then the looks on their faces weren't exactly in awe of what she could do. They looked almost disgusted; frustrated at the idea they had had to come to her to get help. And the missing nins who surrounded her for the rest of the time weren't any better. They were wary of her, thinking she was weird and maybe a little frightening—her abilities included. Kakuzu, however, was genuinely interested and really curious, and not being used to it, Ryoshi had been caught off guard. But she knew Kakuzu was different, and liked that fact. So she merely smirked and accepted the idea he was impressed at her abilities—she wouldn't change it.

So they chatted a little longer about how things would go; she would do it in her room—she didn't want to make it some sort of show for everyone. It never took her very long, and even more so with the fact it was a basic tracking. After that, they could head to that area, and then take things from there, Kakuzu nodding in agreement, trying as hard as he could to hide the slight excitement at being able to see what Ryoshi could do.

"Wait...I don't get it, un. Why are you only doing a basic tracking? We need to find him—not the general area he's in," Deidara abruptly cut in to their conversation, causing them both to turn to face him, Ryoshi explaining in return,

"True, but as Kakuzu told me, Ketsu knows you're after him, and has people on the lookout everywhere. We start heading right towards him and he'll figure it out and get away from us. We need to take it slow; to make sure there's nowhere for him to escape to before we confront him. That's why it will be a basic tracking first, before I move onto the details."

"Ryoshi knows what she's doing, Deidara. We've thought this through. I'm not about to let him get away—not this time," Kakuzu added swiftly, turning back to his breakfast, Ryoshi doing the same a moment later.

Kisame rolled his eyes a little, smiling at what had just happened with a shake of his head, glancing at the others to state quietly with a chuckle,

"It's no surprise he's interested in her abilities—she's a bounty hunter, and if it'll help him get money..."

"Yeah, but it's not as fucking simple as that. You don't know Kakuzu as well as I do...and trust me...Ryoshi makes all the fucking difference," Hidan interjected, grinning mischievously.

He said nothing more, simply watching as both Kakuzu and Ryoshi finished eating, clearing up and standing once more. Turning back to her, Kakuzu considered things for a moment before saying simply,

"I'll go and tell Leader that you'll be doing the basic tracking soon."

Ryoshi nodded, beginning to head to her room to read through the information and prepare for the jutsu. The only thing that stopped her was Kakuzu calling her name, and glancing back, she stared straight into his eyes as he stated softly,

"Just don't start until I get there."

Nodding once, unable to find anything to say in return to that, Ryoshi turned back round and headed back to her room, glad she had a moment alone beforehand. She could tell Kakuzu was getting impatient about seeing this as he passed her in the corridor and headed straight to Pein's room. A part of her was nervous at what he would think of it, hear heart beating a little faster than it should be. But realising what she was doing, Ryoshi shook it off, a smirk coming to her face as she reached her door.

She wanted him to see this.      

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