Chapter 10

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Ryoshi woke up the next morning in a strange mood.

After stretching a little, she gazed up at the ceiling, blinking in surprise as she noticed she had automatically smiled upon waking up, and it hadn't faded as she stretched. Frowning in confusion, it immediately disappeared as Ryoshi tried to figure out why exactly this was the first thing her body had done, but she tried to shake it off, dismissing it as a remnant of a dream she had had last night. Clicking her back a little, she sat up, taking a deep breath to wash away the last of her sleepiness, before turning and placing her feet on the floor. She wanted to have a shower first, so she couldn't hang about and have a lie in; she didn't want to be late when she was helping out the Akatsuki now—it was unprofessional if she wasn't there on time. Kakuzu would be expecting it, as well, and seeing as he had been the one to come and get her, she owed him that, at least.

But as that thought ran through her head, Ryoshi was once again brought to a halt as she realised just what she was doing. Looking down at the floor, she noted she was tapping her fingers against the bed; wiggling her toes against the floor—like she was excited about something. Narrowing her eyes at these actions, she quickly forced them to stop, without having a clue as to why her body kept doing this. They were just automatic reactions to something she didn't even know about, and it was making her act like a child at Christmas or on their birthday. Shaking her head at that fact, she glared slightly, pushing herself to a standing position and turning to make the bed. But still she sensed there was something wrong. Not in a way that meant things were bad...but she didn't feel the way she normally did. Every day she focused on what she had to do, getting up, getting ready and heading out for the day with no hesitation; it was her job and what she had to do, and she wasn't going to waste time.

So why was today different?

Closing her eyes as she stepped into the shower and let the water rush over her, she tried to figure it out. Smiling instantly when she woke up; fidgeting around in joyful anticipation—it wasn't like her. But there had to be something that was fuelling it. Her mood wasn't right, either, and she turned to that to try and understand it. In a strange way, she felt...lighter, than normal. As if there was so much less to worry about in her life. Though she enjoyed her job, it was never like this, even if she was now on a mission for the Akatsuki. She knew she was looking forward to it; the organization and situation itself were both interesting, and it was set to be a stimulating ride. But Ryoshi hadn't expected this reaction; it was something more than that. All she could focus on was the idea of working with them—with Kakuzu—and it wouldn't leave her mind, and abruptly it occurred to her that she was happy about all of this; but to a bigger degree than she'd felt on any mission before. Somehow...she just couldn't wait.

But Kakuzu knew the feeling.

His morning routine was a lot more...enthusiastic than normal, even though he went about it in his usual way. He just really wanted to get started with the day—but not because he wanted to get to work. Kakuzu merely felt as if this was going to be a good day. True, he was glad that he wouldn't have to be dealing with Hidan in the same way he had to do normally, but even when he'd had that kind of information before he had never reacted like this. Though as he headed out of his room and towards the kitchen to get something to eat, he knew it was because of working with Ryoshi. The idea that some of Hidan's words might just be right flashed through his mind once more, and he held back a sigh. He was going to be enjoying working with her—but he couldn't let that change a thing.

It didn't exactly stop the anticipation as she appeared and got her own breakfast, and it hadn't taken long before they were deep in conversation about the mission and what they had to think about—what they would need to do. Several of the Akatsuki passed by, smirking at them both as they talked, knowing the mission wouldn't take long to complete, and would be done so very thoroughly—it's not like Kakuzu rushed into things; he thought it through, and by the looks of things, so did she. When Hidan walked towards the kitchen and spotted them walking together towards Kakuzu's room, a map in his hands as they discussed it, he rolled his eyes, wondering why he hadn't just admitted he was right last night. He was enjoying being with her, and would only continue to do so. They were so similar, after all. But slightly glad that he had his attention elsewhere for the day, Hidan shook them off and continued onwards.

Ryoshi and Kakuzu casually discussed things as the day went by, throwing out ideas and possibilities of plans, places and people. He filled her in on the details of the situation, and she offered a few guesses as to the kinds of areas he might be in; the kind of people that would help him out. But needing more than that, and needing more information in order for her to Ryoshi to track Ketsu, she contemplated it all, wondering where to go from here—when something abruptly occurred to her, and a smirk flashed up on her face, causing Kakuzu to narrow his eyes. She'd forgotten all about it; it had been to do with something completely different, and upon Kakuzu recruiting her it had been pushed to the back of her mind. But it was useful, regardless of where she used it, and so reaching into her pocket, she pulled out the ring of keys she had received last night, holding them up for Kakuzu to see. Wondering what exactly they were, he suddenly remembered Ryoshi in the bar; she'd arm-wrestled that guy and received some keys in return—those keys.

"You got those from that guy last night. But what are they for—and why are you showing them to me?"

"There's this place a while away from here. It used to be owned by a group of missing nins who had reign all over this area. But they built up information inside of it; hauling anything they heard and writing it down, and storing it in there. There's information on probably almost every ninja—and more importantly, a lot of it on people from around here. Ketsu's definitely gonna be in there, and I've got the keys," she explained in return, causing Kakuzu to smirk in triumph.

She really did know what she was doing.

After consulting Pein about it, they had set off together to head to the building, time passing to the point where the sun had just about dipped below the horizon as the building arrived up ahead. It looked like a simple house; one that had been abandoned, but that others often used when passing through as shelter for the night. Entering, Ryoshi glanced around, before heading over to the back wall. The place wasn't in that good condition, so the paint was peeling and cracks had appeared all over the walls—so Kakuzu was a little confused when she brought out one of the keys. Narrowing his eyes as she did so, he saw her insert it into one of the cracks, turning it and causing the section of the wall to open. The only problem was—nothing was there. Starting to open his mouth to protest, Ryoshi moved forward once more, picking out another key and inserting it into a crack in the floorboard—this time revealing a trap door, and a ladder leading downwards, causing Kakuzu to raise an eyebrow.

This place was more hidden than some collection offices.

So therefore it had to be hiding something good. 

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