Chapter 7: Time Together

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"Hurry, let's get inside the car." I gestured everyone to get in, and we all ran immediately
"Why did you forgot to fill the car up with gas, Corey?" Peyton asked, more calmer than earlier
"I was playing a game." Corey answered lowly
Peyton sighed "Okay, we're a few miles away from the last house we saw, it might seem far but we can get there before its totally dark out." He pulled out umbrellas, but only two "Sab, Bradley, you guys stay here and see if anyone passes by who can help. Call or text us if anything happens. Corey, Rowan, and I will check the house around a few miles."
We nodded, and they headed out.
"Ugh." Bradley groaned "We should've just took the other way home."
"Its not too bad Bradley, at least we got to count trees and grass." I pointed out
He smiled "Yeah, that was FUN." He said in a sarcastic manner
I sat back, looking out the window. Its getting a bit chilly here, its spring though its as if its almost winter. I rubbed my arm to at least heat me up a bit.
"Sabrina." Bradley waved his hand in front of me
"Oh, you were saying something?" I snapped out of my thoughts
"I was asking if you have battery left, on your phone." He said "I forgot to charge mine."
"Uh, I think I do." I replied unsure, and took out my phone
I turned it on, and I still have 58% left, I showed it to Bradley.
"Can I borrow it? We have to check up on the others." He explained, as I handed him my phone
1 hour, its been an hour since they left yet they aren't back. Its so cold right now, we might not have air-conditioning at the moment but its so cold. I shivered, I couldn't take it anymore.
"Sabrina!" I immediately went to her
I was seated at the front to check if any passerby's were around. Then when I called her, she wasn't saying anything.
"Sabrina, are you okay?" I say a bit in panic
She shivered.
I sat her up, I placed her over my lap, as if I was carrying her. She was freezing cold, she just had to wear a tank top and ripped jeans.
Her phone began to ring, it was Rowan. I picked it up, still in my current position.
"Rowan." I said
"Bradley? Where's Sabrina?" She questioned
"She's freezing cold right now." I told her
"Oh gosh, we're on our way back. Let us just get some stuff for her." She panicked
"Okay, hurry." I hung up
"Bradley." Sabrina faintly said
"Sabrina, don't worry the others are on they're way back." I told her, placing her aside to sit
She froze, like literally, cold. Her head fell onto my shoulder.
I took off my flannel, and placed it on Sabrina. Luckily, I still have another shirt on, I'm not completely that cold. Sabrina may have a jacket on, but she's still freezing. I don't know what to do now, except...

It was so cold, the rain got harder and that made it worse. I felt Bradley place his flannel on me, but I still feel this temperature. It was too cold for me to even keep myself awake.
I shivered, and curled my self up, then suddenly I felt arms around me. It felt warm, it felt nice. I opened my eyes, I was rested on Bradley's chest. I felt okay a bit now, though the feeling of him doing that, made me want to stay that way. Though, it would seem weird in the eyes of the others. I pulled away, and I can see a bit of disappointment in Bradley's eyes.
"I-I was just trying to keep you warm." He cleared his throat
"...Thanks." I stammered
After that, we didn't say anything. This was the awkward kind of silence between us.
I exhaled sharply, rubbing my arms, I still feel a bit cold.
"You still cold Sabrina?" Bradley asked
"A bit." I answered
"Come here." He gestured me to come closer
"Huh?" I said confused
"Come on." He said
I came closer, and as I was about to lean back his arms wrapped around me. He pulled me closer to him, and I felt much better. But its not like I don't mind him doing this.
"Uh." This feels weird/nice "What are you doing?"
"I'm cold too you know, you're wearing my flannel." He pointed out
"Well can you let go a bit? You're squeezing me." I giggled, my hands were squished in between us
He moved a little, freeing my arms. I don't know whether we're having an awkward or normal conversation, its just so weird. Good weird. Its kinda fun actually.

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