Girl Meets Charlie:4

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Later that night...
"Hi Mrs. D." Spencer greeted, as Amy opened the door
"Oh hi, Spencer. I didn't know you were here." Amy let him in
"I was here for a few days, I'm leaving tomorrow to go back to school. So I decided to ask Teddy out." Spencer explained
"Oh, well she's in her room with Skyler. You know girls, always want to freshen up before a date." Amy said, as she walked to the kitchen
Spencer sat down the couch, waiting for Teddy to finish.
"Hey, Spencer." Said Gabe, after he walked by him as he carried his backpack
"Hey there, Gabe." Spencer waved "Shouldn't you been out of school like, hours ago?"
"I ran into a ghost. A terrifying, fierce, girly, woman ghost." Gabe said, turning around to answer
"Jo..." Spencer mumbled
"Yeah." Gabe nodded, and continued to make way to his room
"Here she comes!" Skyler said, making Jazz hands as Teddy jumped out the room "Tada!"
"Woah, jeans but, woah." Spencer stood up, gazing at her
"Yeah, these jeans were a lot of work." Teddy walked loop to him
"I'mma leave you two alone." Skyler walked to Teddy's room
"Let's go." Spencer linked his arms with Teddy's
"Teddy, wait!" Gabe ran out his room
"What?" Teddy turned
"Can I hitch a ride? I just need to go somewhere. Please." Gabe said, folding his hands in a begging position
"Sure, I don't mind." Spencer said
"Okay, c'mon." Teddy nodded, and they all headed out
They rode Spencer's car, and drove off. There was light to heavy traffic along the road, and the car lights lit up the whole city.
"Where you off to Gabe?" Teddy asked
"Meeting up with a friend." He answered
"Who?" Teddy had a bit of a hint of who it was
"Maya..." Gabe mumbled, but was loud enough for Teddy to hear
"Ooh, you asked her out?" Teddy said in delight
"We're just going to talk okay." Gabe pointed out
"But you're all dressed up." Teddy scanned Gabe, who wore a bit more nicer than just a printed on shirt and sweat pants with sneakers, he wore a checkered polo and pants with a pair of Nike shoes
"Are women the only ones who are allowed to dress up?" Gabe raised a brow
"Preach." Spencer said, as he made a turn
"Really?" Teddy looked at him
"You should wear this one!" Riley pulled out one of the outfits, Shawn had bought, in Maya's closet
"No." Maya said nonchalantly
"This one!" Riley showed yet another outfit
"Riley, we're not on a date." Maya pointed out
"Yeah, but he asked you out which SEEMS like a date." Riley pointed out to her
"Who asked who out?"
"Lucas, Farkle, what are you guys doing here?" Riley questioned
"Nothing." Lucas rested his arms on the window frame
"Yeah nothing, no one told us to spy on you girls." Farkle said, and Lucas face palmed himself
"Farkle." Riley and Maya demanded an answer
"Mr. Matthews forced us to." Farkle looked down
"Shouldn't Farkle look over on Ranger Rick and Riley?" Maya stood up from her bed
"Hey!" Riley and Lucas said in unison
"What can I say, he's too much of a GODFATHER." Riley pointed out
"Its not Mr. Cory Matthews, its Joshua Matthews." Farkle corrected
"What?!" Maya and Riley said, almost shouting, at the same time
"It's true, I was nosying by the Bay window and noticed you guys were gone, I was about to leave when your Uncle saw me by the living room bay window." Farkle explained, very fast, that he panted after saying it
"And what does Ranger Rick have to do with this?" Maya questioned, crossing her arms
"Nothing, we just caught up with each other and he told me he needed someone to come with him." Lucas said
"What is up with your uncle?" Maya faced Riley
"I dunno, jealous much?" Riley shrugged
"Ugh." Maya groaned, unfolding her arms, and looking up to the ceiling
"Let's just get you ready, right?" Riley pushed Maya to her closet
"I'm not going to a date!" Maya pointed out, holding onto the door frame, preventing Riley to push her in
"I don't care!" Riley pushed her in, and started to force Maya to dress up
"We better leave." Lucas whispered to Farkle
"I agree." Farkle nodded
Gabe was dropped off at front of Maya's apartment, he sighed looking up to the window where Maya's room was.
"Riley, this is too much!" Maya complained
"You look great! And it not that fancy or formal, its still casual." Riley said back
"Ugh." Maya groaned "I'm not even going on a date, he just said he wanted to TALK." Maya emphasized the last word
"Yeah, but maybe what he wants to TALK about is you and him." Riley crossed her arms
"Riley that's impossible-"
Gabe tapped on Maya's window.
"Hey there." He waved, as Maya stood up to open the window for him
"Hi." Maya stood aside
"Wow, you look gorgeous." Bradley exhakled sharply
"Thanks." Maya blushed, looking down so Gabe wouldn't see
"I chose that for her." Riley said nosily, Maya rolled her eyes "I'll get going, I'll leave you two alone now. Bye."
"See ya tomorrow, Riles." Maya said before Riley stepped out her room
"So..." Maya looked at Gabe
"So..." Gabe sighed "Can I take you out somewhere?"
"Sure." Maya giggled
They went out the window, making their way to where ever they'll find themselves in 10 minutes.
Meanwhile with Teddy and Spencer, they had their date at a Pizza Parlor, which was a few turns away from Maya's house.
"Pizza tastes different here in New York." Spencer said, as he took a bite of his slice of pizza
"Sort of." Teddy shrugged "What time will you leave tomorrow?"
"Around 5 am, I have my flight at 6, so I gotta be there before." Spencer answered, wiping his mouth
"Wow, that's early." Teddy sighed
"Don't worry, I can manage." Spencer assured
The front door opened, and the bell on top rang. Gabe and Maya entered the same Pizza Parlor as Teddy and Spencer are at. Gabe and Maya sat at the table which was behind Teddy and was facing Spencer (A/N: if that made any sense)
"Wait a minute." Spencer's chuckling stopped, when he saw the two
"What?" Teddy asked, she turned her head "Ooh."
"That's Gabe, right." Spencer said
"Uh huh." Teddy nodded, examining the two
"And who's that girl?" Spencer said
"That's Maya, his old friend." Teddy answered, her eyes still glued on Gabe and Maya
Gabe and Maya were in the middle of a conversation, even though Teddy had her eyes glued on them, they yet still haven't noticed.
"So, you want anything yet?" Gabe asked, fiddling with his fingers
"I don't know, you?" Maya looked down, and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear
That caught their atenttion, they immediately face Teddy's direction.
"Oops, hi." Teddy awkwardly waved
"What are you doing here?" Gabe asked
"Excuse me, but we were here first." Teddy pointed out
"So, did that give you any right to spy on us?" Gabe questioned
"No." Teddy shooked her head "But I do have the right to watch over my brother."
"I'll just order already." Gabe told Maya, as he stood up
"How ya doing?" Teddy smiled
"Meh, same old same old." Maya shrugged
"Nice outfit." Teddy said
"Thanks." Maya smiled
Gabe looked back at Maya, and he was totally glued to looking at her.
"Sir!" The cashier lady called his atenttion for the third time
"Oh, sorry." Gabe snapped out of his thoughts
"What will it be young man?" The cashier lady asked
"Two slices of Pepperoni Pizza... Please." Gabe said, and paid
"3 minutes kid, yiou can wait there." The lady pointed to the claim area
Gabe nodded and stood beside another girl who was waiting in line. Gabe sighed, waiting.
"Here's your pizza sweetie." The lady gave the box of pizza to the other girl in line
"Thanks." The girl said, in a sarcastic manner
The girl walked backwards, and instantly of course bumped into Gabe.
"Watch it will ya!" She snapped, and turned around to face him
"I watch it? You were the one walking backwards." Gabe tried not to yell
"Oh, don't tell me, this place sells pizza for losers." She placed the pizza on the counter
"Jo, just shut up." Gabe told her
"I will never." Jo crossed her arms
"Just leave okay?" Gabe pointed out
"Why? Is it because you're on a DATE." Jo intimidatingly said
"Leave me alone will ya." Gabe said
"Fine!" Jo stormed off
"Here's your order kid." The lady handed out the tray
"Thanks." Gabe said lowly, and went back to their table
"Ooh, thanks." Sabrina smiled as Gabe handed her a plate of pizza
"Eat up." A smile crept on Gabe's face as he looked at Maya
"Aww." Teddy said, as she faced back to Spencer
"They get along so well." Spencer said
"Its because they know each other, so much, even if they're the tough and rebel outside, they're the soft and caring inside." Teddy explained
"Hmm." Spencer nodded kissed Teddy's forehead
Another ten minutes have passed, even though Teddy, Gabe, Maya, and Spencer were all together they still just focused on spending the night in pairs.
"Gabe, Spencer and I will head home. Are you coming?" Teddy asked as she stood up
"Uhm, I'll be home later, I still have something to talk to about with Maya." Gabe answered
"Okay then, don't go home too late." Teddy reminded
"See ya around Gabe." Spencer put his arm over Teddy as they walked out the place
"Yeah." Gabe said
Maya took a sip of the iced tea, and looked at Gabe as she did drink, her eyes looked like puppy dog eyes. Which made Gabe chuckle and smile at her cuteness.
"What's so funny?" Maya asked, placing the glass of iced tea aside
"Nothing." Gabe shook his head "Though you looked so cute."
"Well. Thank you Mr. Duncan." Maya smiled
"My pleasure Ms. Hart." Gabe shot back a smile at her
"So about why we're here." Maya pause a bit "What did you wanna talk about?" Maya fiddled with a strand of her hair
"Well you see Maya, I wanted to tell you this before, like way back before." Gabe paused
"What do you mean." Maya felt a bit confused
"We've seen each other more than once coz of our mom's auditions, and while we're there we got to know each other very well." Gabe paused again, thrilling Maya to where this conversation is about to go
"Gabe." Maya waited for him for continue
"Let's walk around, can we?" Gabe asked, and Maya nodded
They went outside, and started to walk the almost empty streets of New York.
"Gabe, you were saying." Maya said
"Oh, well. Maya, what I'm trying to say is-"
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Like oh my gosh!!! 1k+ reads??!! Like that is unbelievable, I can't even tell if this is real! Oh my gosh thank you! I owe all that to you fab people :D
Anyway, this chap is so so late, you see school wasn't that generous about giving time, homework is everywhere. Bad news, once a week update, good news is that I'll make it as long as possible.
ILY guys SM , I owe you this milestone.
Again guys, comment anything you wanna happen/say/suggest/dislike/like/etc. Hit that vote star people. I'll update as soon as I can.
This'd is CCH, I'll see ya later, byieee!
PS: sorry for any wrong grammar, spelling, and missing words and stuff. Autocorrect is annoying, and English isn't my first language.

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