Chapter 6: Drive Home

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Sabrina and I felt the awkwardness from each other, after our KISS scene.
"Okay people, its a wrap, that was last scene. Great job everybody." Rider said
"I'll get going, Bradley." Sabrina said, looking down, as she walked away to get to Rowan
"Was that part of the script? I think not." Peyton chuckled, and patted my back
"It is, dude." I rolled my eyes
"I seem to see you both enjoyed it, a good 3 seconds right?" Corey smirked
"Shut up you two." I said, and made my way to the dressing room
"Come on Bradley, pretty obvious." Peyton and Corey followed me
Since I was invited to stay along at Sabrina's house, here I am wide awake along with the sleepyheads Corey and Peyton. I couldn't sleep, even after a tiring day. I stood up and went out the room, I decided to head to the kitchen to get some milk to help me sleep.
"Bradley?" I jumped a bit, as j turned to see a yawning and sleepy Sabrina
"Hey B, why are you still awake?" I asked, as I poured myself a glass of milk
"I heard the door open, I knew someone got up." She sat at one of the bar stools "But why are you awake?"
"I couldn't sleep." I said before drinking the milk
"Why? Something bothering you?" She asked
"Nah, I'm good." I said and placed the milk back in the fridge "You better get back to sleep so-"
I turned back, and saw she was already sound asleep. She looks so cute. I smiled, I went close by her, and tucked one of her hair strand behind her ear.
"Oh B." I whispered softly
I picked her up bridal style, and carried her to her room, I laid her down on her bed next to Rowan, and tucked her in. A smile crept om her face, as I fixed her position, and so did on mine.
"Goodnight Sabrina." I whispered
I went back to the guest room and laid down on the bed.
The next morning...
"Good morning."
I woke up to the sweet sound of Sabrina, smiling.
"Hey B." I sat up, as she sat beside me on the bed
"Time to get up, everyone's at the backyard since dad cooked steak for lunch." Sabrina said
"Lunch?" I said confused
"Its 10:30 silly, we didn't want to wake you up from your peaceful sleep." Sabrina playfully pinched my nose
She's just the cutest.
"Come on, you're missing the fun." She dragged me out the room
She slid the glass door open, and we stepped outside.
"Dude, you enjoyed your sleep?" Peyton said
"I can tell he did, coz he was calling out Sabrina this morning." Corey chuckled
"What?!" My eyes grew wide
"Come on Bradley, not much of a big deal now is it?" Peyton smirked
I was about to shot back an answer at him but was cut off by Rowan calling us out for Brunch. I sat down at the bench, beside Sabrina.
"Here you go." Mr. Carpenter handed me a plate of steak
"Hmm, this smells delicious Mr. Carpenter." I said
"Wait 'til you taste it." Rowan grinned looking at it
"Go on Rowan, you can eat." Mrs. Carpenter chuckled, and Rowan immediately ate like she hasn't ate in weeks
"Easy Row, you might eat through the plate." Corey joked
"Is Shannon here?" Sabrina asked, looking around
"No, she had stuff to do." Sarah shook her head, and Sabrina frowned
"I'm right here."
"Shannon dear, finally you got to join us ." Mr. and Mrs. Carpenter gave her a hug
"Finally you found free time." Sarah rolled her eyes
"The whole fam is her, and friends, it'll be rude for me to not be here." Shannon sat beside her
"Stop the fuss, eat up everybody." Mrs. Carpenter said
Its so nice to be with my whole family before we leave. We've spent a week and a half on shooting the special episode, now its time to get back home. Mom said she'll catch up, she just needs to get files from dad's office.
I dug through my closet, after taking a long and warm shower, and looked for a nice outfit. Not too dressy or what so ever, just casual since we're on the way home.
"Ahh." I thought of something perfect
I took out a pair of ripped jeans, a white tank top that had the words '#COOLERTHANYOU', and my black highcut converse. I tied my hair up in a ponytail, took my bag, and went out to thew others.
"Ready." I said, as I approached them
"Great, now to wait for Rowan." Corey sighed
Moments later, Rowan had walkednout from my room, pulling along with her the suitcase she brought. Peyton placed everyone's stuff into his car.
"See you soon, Sabrina." My sisters said, as they gave me a hug
"Can we switch things up, and say you guys go to Pennsylvania this summer? To make things a bit different." I said
"I'd go, I don't know if Miss Shay here can." Sarah joked
"Hey, I can go. Its summer." Shannon said
I said goodbye to my dad, not mom coz I'll see her like tomorrow or the day after that, and rode the car.
"Thanks for letting us stay Mr. and Mrs. Carpenter." Rowan said, lowering the car window
"Anytime kids." Dad nodded
"Til next time Mr. Carpenter." Said Peyton, and started to drive off
"Bye!" I lowered the my side of the car window and waved back at them
"See you soon." They said
And I pulled up the car window, sat back down.
"Guys, is it okay if we take the other roads? Traffic will cover us and it'll take us hours to get home." Peyton said
"Go 'head."
We answered him, and he made a turn to a street which had a lighter more chance if traffic.
"You guys can take a sleep if you want, I'll be fine here." Said Peyton, looking us up on the mirror
"No worries." Bradley said
It started to rain, from light to s bit more of a heavy kind as we left the city boundary. I can feel the cold temperature from outside, and the air-conditioning's making my eyelids feel heavy. In short, I feel so sleepy now. I yawned a bit, took out my jacket from my bag, and dozed off a bit as I rested my head on Bradley's shoulder. Hope he doesn't mind.

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