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When Lauren had agreed to stay at Camila's parent's house she had not anticipated how awkward it would be. She had stayed over before, back when her feelings were just a budding seedling, lurking under the surface and ready to sprout.

She missed those days of naivety, especially right now as she sat in Camila's living room squished on the couch between the arm and Camila while Camila's mom tried to convince her daughter to go on a date with her friend's son.

Camila was floundering, trying to come up with a valid excuse and ultimately coming up empty each time her mom rebuffed her excuses.

Lauren sat mutely on the sofa, her throat seemed constricted and tight and she felt like she was struggling to breathe through the tension in the room. Or was it just in her head? Sinu seemed oblivious to tension and the awkward squirming Camila was doing next to her, or how Lauren was sat a stiff as a board on the edge of her seat.

'...and he has his own car and he's at business school. You'd really love him, Mila.'

'I don't know mom, I'm going to be crazy busy these next few months. It's just...bad timing.'

Lauren didn't think this could be any more awkward.

'Are you sure, because he has a handsome friend who would be perfect for Lauren?' Correction, now it couldn't be any more awkward.

All eyes were on Lauren, she had every intention to shrug off the comment when: 'I'm seeing somebody actually.' What the fuck mouth! She hadn't meant to say that. Lauren cursed her lack of brain-to-mouth filter when she was nervous.

Lauren could feel Camila side-eyeing her obviously wondering why she had said that.

'Oh that's great Lauren.' Sinu smiled, 'How's it going?'

Well, there was no turning back now, may as well go along with it, Lauren realised.

'Erm,' Why was it so hot in here? 'It's going really well actually.' She couldn't help but sneak a glance at Camila; the younger girl was looking up at the ceiling with so much feigned interest it was like it was the Sistine Chapel.

'That's good, is he in the same industry as you?'

Lauren licked her lips, her mouth suddenly dry. Her heart thundered in her chest at a worrying speed.

'Ye-Yeah they are.' She stammered. Nice one Jauregui, gotta love a pronoun.

She was once again literally face-to-face with the fact that they had to lie to their loved ones, and for a brief, cloying moment Lauren wanted to wrap her arms around Camila and say, "We're together!"

But the moment passed and she was once again plummeted into the catch 22 of lies, a revolving door of half-truths and vague answers, Sinu asked: 'I hope he's treating you well.'

Lauren let out a sigh of resignation, her posture slackening with the knowledge that she couldn't fully lie and she couldn't fully tell the truth.

'They are, I'm really happy. They make me really happy.'

Camila actually turned to look at her and Lauren could feel the intense gaze prickle the side of her face and neck making her blush.

'Ah Mila look at that, Lauren is smitten.'

Lauren heard the smirk in Camila's voice as she whispered, 'I can see that.'

'I mean, well, they can be super annoying sometimes and the clumsiness thing is a bit of an issue. Don't get me started on their terrible dance mov-OW!' Lauren was cut-off by a sharp elbow into her ribs.

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