The End of the End is the Best Place to Begin

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'Seriously, I think I broke my ass.'

Lauren laughed at Camila's dramatics; she held the door open to the hotel lobby letting Camila through.

'Looks fine to me.' Lauren said playfully.

Camilla whipped her head around to look at Lauren behind her, a shocked smile on her face.

Lauren winked, wondering where that little bout of confidence came from. She had been feeling weirdly nervous since the cab ride back from Central Park. She just wasn't exactly sure why, but a nervous energy seemed to be surrounding them and her brain seemed to be overcompensating for the nerves by making unintentional comments.

As they reached the elevator, Camila reached to press the button just as Lauren did too. Their hands met in a jumble of digits and Lauren jerked her hand away like she'd been burned. 'Sorry!'

Camila quirked an eyebrow at Lauren's behaviour, 'Are you okay, you've gone all jittery?' She asked, as they stepped inside the empty elevator.

Lauren rolled her eyes at herself but couldn't stop the words perched on the end of her tongue. 'I just – was this okay? The date, I mean? It's just – because I've been on dates before but the guy has always planned them and this was your first one and I wanted it to be better than my first date, because it was with this dude who smelled like old spice and he took me to his room to play video games and made me walk home alone and-'

'Whoa, whoa!' Camila clamped her hand over Lauren's mouth, effectively shutting her up. 'Lauren, turn down the crazy. I had a really great time, okay?'

'Mmmmkm.' Lauren mumbles against the younger girl's hand.

The elevator doors opened and Camila dropped her hand, using it to pull her girlfriend out into the hallway by the wrist.

'Was that really necessary?' Lauren asked, wiping her mouth from smudged lip-gloss.

'Yes, you wouldn't shut up. It was like excessive word-vomit.' Camila grinned at Laurens meek expression, 'and you've done enough of the real kind recently.'

They came to a stop outside Camila and Dinah's hotel room, Lauren rubbed a hand on the back of her neck. 'Yeah well, you suck at ice-skating.'

'Real mature.'

Laure stuck her tongue out in response.

Camila rolled her eyes, 'You revert into a five year old when you're nervous, it's really cu-'

Lauren cut her off with a hand over her mouth, just like Camila had done earlier. Lauren watched as Camila's eyebrows rose in surprise.

'I'm serious Camz; I really wanted you to enjoy yourself.' Camila placed her hand over Lauren's, still pressed against her lips. She slowly brought their joined hands down.

'I did, Lo. I really love hanging out with you, obviously. So even if we just went to McDonalds or the movies or...played video games in your room.' She smirked, 'I'd enjoy it, because it's you.'

'So what you're saying is that I didn't need to bother doing all that stuff tonight?'

'You didn't have to,' Camila smiled, squeezing Lauren's hand, 'but you did and that's why it was amazing. Because you care. So yes, it was an amazing first date, thank you.'

'Well, it's not over yet. We still have one crucial part left to do.'

'Really, what?'

'The goodbye kiss at your door.' Lauren whispered, stepping in closer to the brunette.

'But this isn't really my door,' Camila said, frowning. 'It's the hotel room door and yours is literally two feet away. Also, it's not really goodbye because I'll see you in like,' She checked her cell phone, 'four hours for our flight.'

Lauren leaned sideways against the wall, looking incredulously at the shorter girl but she couldn't help the look of adoration at Camilla's oblivious innocence.

'Camila?' The Cuban looked up expectantly, 'Do you not want me to kiss you or something?'

Something clicked in Camila's head, 'Oh, right.' She reached for Lauren's collar and tugged her forward, crashing their lips together.

Lauren smiled into the kiss, tasting the hot chocolate from earlier and something distinctly Camila that made her want to purr into the other girls mouth and rub up against her like a cat in the sun.

Lauren's hands found the other girls hips and gripped hard, pulling Camila even more flush against her, their bodies pressed tightly. Each curve of their bodies filling the negative space between them.

Camila let out a breathy little moan, it was a sound that Lauren had never heard the other girl make before, and it spurred something inside her. It fanned a flame within her that she didn't even know was burning.

Without conscious thought Lauren's hands slipped lower than hips, dragging luxuriously down Camila's jean-covered behind and squeezed.

The sound that erupted from Camila's lips was somewhere between a squeal and a sigh, the effect caused her to bite down on Lauren's lip. The pain/pleasure combo caused Lauren's centre the throb. The reaction of Lauren's own body startled her. She had never had that reaction from just a kiss before.


A deep voice bellowed from right next to them. Lauren flung herself away from Camila so quickly that she lost her footing and fell back onto the carpeted floor, landing on bruises her body had acquired only hours previously. The air whooshed out from her lungs as fear filled her body.

That's when she heard laughter, looking up she saw Dinah stood at her room entrance, doubled over and laughing hysterically.

'Dinah!' Camila scolded. 'That wasn't fucking funny!' she punched her friend in the arm, hard. It did nothing to deter Dinah's laughter.

Lying flat on her back, Lauren struggled to get her breathing under control. Her heart was pounding in her chest.

'Your face, Lauren!' Dinah managed through her laughter.

Lauren groaned, covering her now reddened face with her hands, 'I think I'm having a stroke.' She choked out. Lauren felt Camila's hands pull her own from her face and yank her up from the floor.

'What the hell was that, D?' Camila questioned. 'You scared us to death.'

'Maybe that'll teach y'all not to get your grope on in public. I coulda been anyone.' She said, reaching for Camila and pulling her towards their shared hotel room. 'You. In there.' She pushed Camila in. 'And you,' Dinah pointed at Lauren, 'you go and get a cold shower.'

With a final week and a muffled 'Goodbye' from Camila Lauren was alone in the hallway. She breathed a deep, steadying breath. Feeling her hear pound and still reeling from the after effect of their kiss.

'Cold shower sounds good.' She mumbled to herself, running a hand through her hair and planning in her head a discreet murder of Dinah Jane Hansen.


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