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Children should never be subjected to the loss of a parent let alone both. My father left work early to join all of us at our kitchen table. Mr. Rousseau was also there with Ben by his side. I wouldn't say that Jake was inconsolable because he was no longer crying. Instead he was accepting that his father had been attacked and was lying alone in a room that Jake himself could not access.

"Eventually something like this was bound to happen," he said in close to a whisper. "My dad was never well liked and he had his share of enemies. There were times when I wished him dead."

Mr. Rousseau placed his hand on the boy's shoulder. "Be assured Jake that you are not alone, you have all of us and certainly me, my wife and Ben. We won't leave you, I promise you that."

Jake acknowledged with a grateful smile. "I'd like to find my mother. I want her to know what has happened. I heard of a man in Whitby who specializes in finding missing persons."

"We'll drive there tomorrow, drop by the library and look him up. If you have a photo of her in one of those boxes you brought, then bring it with us." Jake nodded thank you again. "Ben and I are heading back home. Take your time and join us when you're ready."

Rousseau hugged Jake as did Ben and they left without saying another word.


My mom told us she was driving to Whitby to pick up a pizza and would be back in an hour. Dad and I were sitting on one side of the kitchen table while Jake sat in front of us. There was not a feeling of unease yet the silence was as unnerving as a piercing scream until my dad finally broke the quiet.

"I think we should forego any spying for the next month or two. It will give us time to regroup and maybe find a better approach."

"I had a feeling you would say that," Jake said. "I agree for the most part but most of me wants to strike them down, more than ever."

"And this is also why," my father added. "In your present state you're more apt to make mistakes and that is normal. Let's shut it down Jake, just for a couple of months."

He nodded and verbally agreed. "We can still talk about it, right?"

"Of course," my father answered.

Jake took a sip of the soda my mom had given him earlier. "Why would the people of SCA2 attack my dad, leave him for dead and then try to save him? I don't understand this at all."

"Keta never said it was SCA2," I cut in. "She only said it was not her or Clemens but yah, it makes no sense. If this is true, then we have a rogue and if that's the case, then it makes sense that SCA2 will come after us. It's also kind of frightening."

"Sit back and wait to see how it plays out," dad said again. "I'm going to be watching for our little cop friend tonight. Why don't you two go for a walk or something, get some fresh air."

We did just that and took a stroll around the block. Jack was pensive and somewhat hesitant to speak his mind. I don't know anything about psychology except for the obvious. Was he in a mourning stage or some type of denial, I can't tell you. All I could tell was that my boyfriend was displaying signs of someone who may come apart at the seams and do what will later be regretted.

"Stop for a second," he requested. "Let's sit on the sidewalk."

It was a quiet hazy evening and no one was around. I think a lot of people may have been at JCF by the pond.

"Say what you want to say Jake," I sort of begged. "I get the impression you've been holding back."

"He never said that he loved me," the boy blurted. "Never once. I was always hoping but the words never came. He never even said he was proud of me."

I held his hand and gripped it probably tighter than I should have.

"My mom has been gone for what...six years I guess and I can't recall her ever telling me the same. Mandy, what child has never heard those words from their parents. Your dad must say it to you a hundred times a day. I've heard him several times."

Yes he did, I thought to myself. I take it for granted but hearing my parents say I love you is awesome. "Different people express their emotions in different ways," I said realizing thereafter that it was an absolute lame response. I wanted to take back the comment but it was useless.

"Perhaps you've forgotten that he beat the crap out of me."

I had to make up for my idiot comment. "I love you Jake," I blurted out so quickly that it made me want to run away.

He sighed. "You're just saying that."

"No, as my friend and my boyfriend...I love you, Jake Brossard."

He lowered his eyes.  "You're the reason I wake up every morning Mandy, I mean that with all my heart."

I put my arm around him and he did the same to me.

"You are all I need," he said with a sly smile.

We sort of giggled nervously after that.

Tragedy begat a declaration of love.

It should be easier.

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