The Talent Show: Part One

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I peeked out the draw curtains about ten minutes before the show was to begin.  It was a full house with probably six hundred people minimum, gabbing with whoever was nearby.  I noticed Mrs. Lorrie speaking with my mom, which worried me a bit even if I was a straight A student. 

The girls and I weren't scheduled to be on stage for another hour as the younger kids would hold the spotlight for the first half.  Last year, some of the cookie cutter parents complained that their kids were too tired to perform after eight pm so planning was changed according to age as opposed to the entertainment.  This made it difficult 'cause guys like Mongrel and Buddy would have to push the piano and amplifiers on and off the stage all night.  The smaller kids tended to stick to dance routines and magic tricks but a few of them were quite adept with flutes and the piano.

Rosalie tugged on my blouse and told me that Kristina had finally arrived.  She had to wait for her mother or something like that. I hated to ask Rosalie this following question but I was curious. 

"Have you seen Jake, he hasn't been around all day."

Rosalie didn't bat an eyelash and answered without any sign of jealousy. 

"Yes, about ten minutes ago, he was outside with Ben.  They look like two brothers."

I let go a long sigh of relief.  "This is what they have become, it's kind of cute."

"So have you seen the new kids yet?"  Rosalie questioned. 

I nodded no and had no clue what she was saying.  The only new kids we ever got were cookie cutter kids and certainly not so late in the year. 

Rosalie was smiling.  "You really have to see the new guy, he is blazing hot.  Don't know if Jake will be the heartthrob anymore because Andy - that's his name - is gorgeous.  I spoke to him for about five minutes and I think I slobbered the entire time."

"Why would we have new kids during the last week of school?" I asked, not caring what Andy looked like.

"His dad is gonna be the head cop for the cookie cutters. I think Kristina's dad hired him."

"How many cops do we need in this place?" I said shaking my head.  "You said kids, who's the other one?"

"Oh, Andy's twin sister Megan, she's talking to Kristina."  Rosalie said searching for her.  "Over there, next to the piano."

I had to move a few paces past Rosalie to see anything but after a moment I found them.  Megan was as tall as Kristina and very pretty with long blonde hair.  Rosalie mentioned competition for Jake but I was thinking this new girl would be competition for Kristina. 

"Looks like Mongrel is salivating," I said pointing towards him.

"Eww," Rosalie squirmed, "He is such a leech, who would ever go out with him?"

Good question and I could quickly answer that it wouldn't be me but I didn't have the heart to do so.  For all his lack of social graces, Mongrel could be a good guy when he wished to be. 

"Not important," I said, "Let's get everyone together and practice one last time."

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