Chapter 12

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She had a hard time opening her eyes, which felt wet and she could see a black spot every time she looked around. There was a lot of activity going on at that time. Focusing on one of them at a time hurt more. So she absorbed all of it at once and shut her eyes again. 

The things she saw were: candles ; the chair she was sitting on, right in the middle of an alter made of blue and yellow chalk ; Felix in a black cloak with a hood, Jeane, her obnoxious, but annoyingly lively neighbour, tied to a chair, dead ; her clothes drenched in her own blood ; and someone else, probably, or positively Jake's and Felix's partner. She could only see a part of his face. He looked old. They stared at the floor, chanting while Jeane lay dead. Dead. Funny word. 

Now that her unconsciousness was over, came the phase of pain. A terrible moan came out of her small mouth as she finally felt her flesh and organs bleeding. Holy Mother of God. Now she knew what it gelt like to be stabbed. 

She was stabbed. And so, began the fear phase. They were going to kill her. All this time, she felt she was being set up. But they needed her to think she was being set up. To frame Jesse. When they'd kill her, they'd set him up. They were the ones who 'helped Jesse escape'. It was hard to believe she could still think thoughts like these, despite of having less than a litre of blood in her body. Maybe that's what adrenaline does. 

"Hello, Dianna. " said a voice so familiar, it made her gasp. Her name coming out of his mouth, she had missed it at one point. But now, he was her despair. 

He was her doom. 

This was the nothing phase. She felt nothing, did nothing, said nothing. Just the idea of all of this happening was so absurd, it made her feel, nothing. Nothing just yet. 


Bernard was willing to  tear down every wall of Paris to find Jesse Craige. But before he could fathom his rage and think straight to find him, his phone rang. It was from the hospital. Stacey's memory came back. 

"Tell her not to worry. We found the killer. "  

"Actually," the intern said. "You should come. She didn't like what she saw on the telly. Says you got the wrong man. "

Bernard twitched. He didn't like being wrong. He got in his car and turned around. Ambroise, of course, tagged along. 

Stacey looked better than she had in the morning. Not because her defacements were gone, but because she looked more alive. Like she could live with what he did to her. 

"Where is she?" She asked Bernard. 

"Yeah, where is she?" Ambroise said, smirking. Bernard rolled his eyes. 

"Dianna couldn't be here with us. But feel free to tell us. " he said. 

"I remember correctly.  He was old, pale, looked weak, and kept chanting in some weird language. He wore a black cloak over normal clothes. "

The description,  in no way, matched Jesse's. 

"Oh! And he had a blue star on his wrist.  " she concluded. 

Blue star. A deep frown appeared across Bernard's forehead. 

"But he's dead. John Miller is dead . That's why we didn't check him out. " said Ambroise. 

"Maybe we should've. " Bernard said walking out. 

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