chapter 21- i am officially confused

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Hazel's POV

"He really was a gentlemen."

I told Celeste the next day. I had a meeting to attend to, but it started at 10:00am and it was still 8:00 so I followed Celeste to work and told her about my night.


She complimented me and teased me. She glanced at me out of the corner of her eye.

"What?" I demanded.

"Okay, can I just say I am officially confused?" She said while dramatically raising her hands as if to say 'I surrender'

I cocked an eyebrow. "Confused? About what?"

"One minute your complaining about Danny, the next you're gushing over Malcolm. Then you say Danny actually isn't that bad and that being with Malcolm is sometimes boring. Make up your mind woman! Who do you like? And I'm not saying this just because I am annoyed , even though I am, I'm saying this because I'm your best friend and I do not want to see you fall in love with both guys and then make the horrible decision of having to choose one. I mean come on! You've watched enough movies. Love triangles are messy and you do NOT wanna get involved in one."
I stared wide-eyed at Celeste.

"That was an awfully long speech."

She glared at me. "Seriously? That's all you're going to say?"

"Well I dunno. What should I say?" I asked as I followed her as she disappeared behind endless clothing racks.

Man this store of hers is huge!

"I mean-- pffft" I accidentally ran into a fur coat. Pushing it away I continued with my sentence.

"I mean, am I supposed to evaluate each of them and decide which one I'd be happier with?"

I said as I gave her a questioning look. She turned around and sighed. When it came to my group of friends, I was the most clueless on the romance category. Harley was the most experienced, she's had more boyfriends than you can count on two hands, but Celeste was the expert.

She knew when to flirt, when to play hard to get, when to smile and so on.

"I don't know what to tell you. You probably won't listen to me anyways you're so stubborn. But let me give you a little advice. Listen to your heart, not your brain. Okay?"

"Okay." I whispered.

Then Celeste hugged me.

"You'll figure it out. And remember, you're not alone."

I smiled. "I'm really lucky to have you guys."

She chuckled. "Damn right you are."

We pulled apart and she said.

"Now, if I'm not mistaken, you have a meeting to attend in 30 minutes."

My eyes widened. Where did the time go?

Yep , I'd certainly be lost without this girl.

"I gotta go! Bye!"

I said as I fled. I saw her smile behind me before whipping out her phone to make a call.

Sometimes I think this girl is so much more mature than me.

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