chapter five-drowning in ice cream

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I reached the hotel after what seemed like forever. Purple curtains. Post it notes. Coffee table. I'm an idiot.

She was living with him!!!!

I can't believe myself. This is like one of those cliche movies where the girl surprises the guy and the guy turns out to be a lying, cheating , manipulative bastard.

Moral: girls , if you don't want to find your guy with another woman , don't surprise him.

I let out a sigh of frustration.

The elevator ride to the 5th floor took forever. It was sad. And lonely. And painful. I went to my room and lay on the bed. The only thought that lingered in my mind before I fell asleep was

I'm breaking . I'm falling apart. And there's no one here to pick up the pieces.

I woke up to the sunshine streaming in. I had forgotten to close the curtains. I went to the bathroom and looked at my reflection.

In a word , I looked AWFUL.

My hair was a rats nest. My makeup was smudged . My mascara was dripping down from my eyes making me look like one of those creepy zombie brides you see at teenage Halloween parties.

I was a wreck.

I went back to bed and ordered room service. Ice cream and doughnuts. My comfort food. I turned on the TV. I was looking for a soap opera. One with a character who had even more rotten luck than mine.

I was about to get my phone , I needed to call my girls , when I realized I didn't have my phone. Grumbling , I settled for the landline that the hotel provided. I punched in Harley's number. I knew she'd be honest with me. Celeste tended to sugar coat her opinions.

"Yow" she answered on the third ring.

There was loud music in the background.

"Harley" I whispered.


I had to put an arm's length of distance between me and the phone. Harley had a strong set of lungs . She could be an opera singer if she wanted to.

Yeah like that'll happen.

I managed a chuckle. Harley managed to make me feel a millimeter better without even knowing it.

She had two younger brothers. They annoyed the crap out of her. She had a black belt in karate and she said what she wanted.

She had an amazing body even though she ate like an elephant but then again when you take karate lessons like she does you'll get skinny no matter how much you eat.

"Sorry, " she apologized . "you were saying?"

"I..... Robin..... He......"

Why couldn't a form a complete sentence?

"What'd he do? If he took you against your will I'll kill him. "

" no no no . . . we broke up. "

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