Just Like Me

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Y/n's POV

  I was steadily stalking a bird demon for dinner tonight when suddenly I picked up a familiar scent to mine. It couldn't be...another dog demon? He was approaching me at increasing speeds, It was 50/50 I could either find a mate or  have a fight to the finish. Personally I perfer option number 2.

Inuyasha's POV

  I was out looking for something to eat because i wasn't going to eat Kagome's pig slop.While I was looking for my dinner, my nose suddenly picked up 2 scent's demon meat and another half-breed-dog demon.Then I realized we could be to half's or we could make a whole . I walked a little bit farther when i first saw her she was beautiful H/L H/C hair, and a sword. When i saw those E/C eyes shining under the stars in the moonlight. It all just made me melt...


  I was yelling at myself so loud I forgot where I was and stepped on a branch. Suddenly I heard a beautiful voice yelling I know your here so come out. I walked out she stared at me and began to blush.


  I was waiting for the other dog demon to show up when suddenly I heard a crack, he's here I told myself then I yelled."I know your here so come out!"

  Then I heard him from behind a bush he was so cute. Long white hair, a sword, a red kimono, and beautiful amber eyes.

Inuyasha's POV

  Time to make my move! "Hey, my name is Inuyasha meet me here tomorrow I'll take you somewhere to talk." Then it just happened I kissed her on the cheek I blushed, she Blushed, I ran, and she ran.

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