Naughty & Needles | Part 9

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I took a deep breath as the curtain began to open. Madison nodded towards me as if to tell me it will be okay. But who knows if it's going to be okay? No one knows! What if we die? What if we get kidnapped, AGAIN? What if I never see my family again? What if I never see Madison again? What if-

Before I could finish my thoughts the roar of excited clobbers grew louder and louder as it slowly opened as to tease them. The lights blinded my eyes.

"Yo homies here's the girls!" The Dj said. "Let's get this party started! The first one is this lovely little lady."

Oh my god! It was me he was talking about!

The crowd began yelling off ridiculous amounts of money.


"SOLD to that man right there. Congratulations. Have a fun night!" The Dj winked at me.

Two heavy guards took each arm and dragged me off the stage.

"Malia!!!" I turned around to see Madison standing there crying.

I mouthed the words, "at lo levad" which means "you're not alone" in Hebrew. Whenever we felt sad, we would say that to each other. It was our code saying. Together forever but never apart; maybe in distance but never in heart. I kept repeating that In my head. I didn't want to leave her.

We made our way through the dark hallways and out to the back where Miss Nancy was waiting for us.

"Behave yourself, Malia. Be a good girl now." She said in a devilish tone. "Ahh, Mr. Kerr, here she is." Miss Nancy motioned to me.

"Thank you Miss Nancy," He replied. "I appreciate your help for everything."

"No problem. Have a nice trip!" She replied.

I was thrown into the back of a van again and strapped down to a medical bed.

"What are you doing?!?! No!! Let me go! Let me go!! Where are we going?!" I screamed and kicked furiously.

"Now, Ms. Malia, we're gonna need you to calm down. There's a long trip ahead of us. We're going to sedate you to make it a more comfortable journey."

"NO NO NO!" I screamed.

"You are quite a naughty one aren't you..." He laughed.

The sharp needle jabbed through my arm as I slowly fell unconscious.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2015 ⏰

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