Chapter 9- Tam

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My father yelled at me but I didn't care.

I didn't even acknowledge him when he threw a vase on the floor.

All I cared about was if Linh was okay. My father threw an imparter at me and screamed to break up with Keefe. Only then did he get my attention.

"No" I said, shortly and sternly. "It's not like you even care about us. You just want to look good." I was telling the truth, and both of us knew it.

"Do not disrespect your father! Do it now!" He hollered.

"NO," I screamed. I sent a short blast of shadows towards his direction.

While he stood there, in pain and surprised, I sprinted to the door, and once I was out, I locked the door behind me. Just because I hated him so much, I rolled a stink bomb under the bedroom door. I could hear him coughinhg and sputtering, clearly in pain. I thought about turning back, but I didn't. It was over. I was lucky that Keefe had given the stink bomb to me the night before, when we were here at his house, so no one could interrupt us.

I ran across the house, in the direction of our room, and found my mother walking out with a smug look on her face. She didn't deserve to make Linh mad. I glared at her.

"You'll pay for this," I muttered, just loud enough for her to hear. She paled a little bit, and the corners of my mouth turned up. It felt like a small victory.

I ran outside and found Linh on the door steps sobbing. When she looked up, she glared at me, and I knew she wanted to be alone.

"I'm sorry Linh. I just wanted to protect you."

Later that night, I went to the only place I could think of. Our old hideout. I ran to the small, broken down shelter and fell to the ground. I silently sobbed. Thinking about Linh, Keefe and my future. Suddenly, I heard a noise. "Who's there?" I said, jumping to my feat, trying to sound strong. Linh awkwardly walked out from among the trees. "Hi, Tam." Her face was stained with tears and her voice was unsteady.

"Linh? Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Mom made me break up with Marella," She mumbled, looking away.

"I'm sorry Linh- I...was afraid."

"What were you afraid of? You already have a boyfriend but the second I find someone I actually like, you hate them! What more can I do for you!?" I could see her face getting redder, the madder she got. The small pot of water we used to use even started to boil. All of the sudden, she picked up our old kitchen knife, and slashed her arm. "NO LINH-" I screamed, horrified. She picked up her leaping crystal and left, to who knows where.

I stood there helpless, staring at the pool of blood on the leaves. "No-"

Steam- A KotLC marellinh fanficWhere stories live. Discover now