Chapter 7- Marella

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Linh was devastated when Tam walked away. I squeezed her hand.

"It'll be okay," I whispered to her. "He'll come around. He just wants the best for you." She nods

"Yeah, I know." She seems to come to an internal decision. Then, Linh looks me in the eye. "Marella, can I talk to you?" She gave an apologetic glance at our friends. "Privately?"

"Yeah, of course." I say. "Let's go outside." I lead her outside of Foxfire, and we sit leaning against the glass building.

"What is it?" I ask her.

"Well, Marella," she says. Linh seems to come to yet another decision. "I-I think Tam might have been right." I freeze. It's like everything has gone quiet. I let go of her hand.

"W-what do you mean?" I ask, tentatively.

"I don't know that I'm lesbian. I have liked boys before. I don't know what I am," My heart drops.

"D-does that mean." I stutter. Linh's got me flustered again. She's the only one that can do that. I finally manage to get the question out. "Do you...not like me?"

"No! I like you! A lot!" Linh's head whips around to face me, her eyes locking with mine. "I-I love you. But... I don't know if I'm lesbian." I relax, just a little bit. She loves me. Those words make me so happy. I focus on the issue.

"Aha!" I whip out my smarty-phone, and I put into the search bar:

Can a girl like girls and boys?

About a million results come up, but they all outline one thing. Bisexual. I show Linh the results

"See, Linh, it seems like you might be bisexual. You can like both. Wow, I've heard stories of human bullying and exclusivity. But, maybe they are better at it than The Lost Cities."

Linh smiles. "Maybe." She says. Just then, the bell rings.

"Ugh," I say. "See you after school?"

"Sorry, not today." She says. Then her face darkens. "I need to talk to my brother."


I lay down on my bed. It was weird not meeting Linh by the leapmaster. I was... kind of lonely. Even so, I smile to myself. It seems like everything will sort itself out. Linh is bi. I'm lesbian. Our friends support us. Linh will make Tam understand. I yawn, which catches me off-guard. I haven't napped in a while, but I really want to.

"Just this once," I promise myself, and in seconds I fall asleep.

I wake up to the sound of my imparter. I check the caller ID. It says Linh. I pick up, and I immediately hear sobbing.

"Linh?" I ask her immediately. "LINH! Are you okay?" She finally speaks

"Marella, I'm so, so sorry." She says. I can hear her sniffling.

"What is it?" I ask her. "Whatever it is, we can get through it together." I hear a voice from her end.

"Get on with it" The voice says. I frown. It sounds like Mai Song. "Hurry up, Linh!"

"Are you okay?" I ask again.

"Marella, I- I'm sorry, we have to break up."

Steam- A KotLC marellinh fanficWhere stories live. Discover now