Chapter 2-Linh

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Oh my God! Marella. Redek. Came. Over. To. My. House. I was so excited, and really nervous. I even kicked Tam out so he wouldn't disturb us! Not that he was dying to stay. He was quite happy to escape me and I guess he's really good friends with Keefe now. Normally I would have teased him, but I was so nervous! I don't know why Marella makes me anxious. I didn't really know her until we worked on our abilities together. I still can't believe she's a pyrokinetic! She looks so strong and fierce when she's using her ability. I'm so embarrassed though.. I didn't want her to see my family, so I grabbed her and pulled her into our room! She must have been annoyed by that. I do things like that sometimes, without thinking. And, of course, the most embarrassing thing, I asked her over again! I don't know why I did it. It just came out. Thankfully, I remembered to say that it was to study for a test, but the truth is, I just wanted to be around her again. She's so funny and nice. And, honestly, she makes me feel happy.

With these thoughts swimming in my head, I flop down on my bed. I sigh to myself

"I wonder what she thinks of me."

Later that evening, Tam came home. I find myself running down the stairs to greet him at the door

"Hey" he said, taking off his shoes

"Do you think you could go out again tomorrow?" I ask, out of breath.

"Not even a hi?" he says, with an eye roll, "Why?"

"Uhh, because I was busy asking you a question," I say.

He sighs, in the way I can tell I was annoying him "Oh, you know what I mean,"

"Well..." I say, "Marella's coming over again tomorrow."

He nods "Cool. I'm sure me and Keefe- I mean Lady Zillah may want me to keep me a little longer at Foxfire practicing anyway." his face turns red at his little slip about him and Keefe, and I laugh

"Okay, lover boy" I say, turning to run back up the stairs. I pause at the top step, and turn and smile at him, "Thanks, Tam. Have fun with Keefe. I mean it." I don't wait to see his response as I walk back into our room. He acts annoyed with my teasing, but I know he doesn't hate it as much as he pretends too. I can just tell. Maybe it's a twin thing.

The next afternoon, Marella comes over again. When she meets me at the leapmaster, I grab her and we quickly light-leap away. I make a point not to touch her again from that point on, in case it annoys her. This time, we work on The Universe homework. The assignment's easy, but I ask Marella for help anyway because I want to talk to her more. But honestly, I think I'm just staring at her the whole time.

"And then you have to-" she pauses, and catches me looking at her. I look away, and I can feel myself blush.

"I-I get it now" I manage to get out

"Oh, good." she says. Does she sound... disappointed? Did I bore her? Was I too quiet? Too loud? Suddenly my mind is racing through possible situations as to why she might be upset. Then, she smiles.

"So, since we're done, do you want to make mallowmelt?" she asks.

I nod "That sounds good. We can use the kitchen downstairs. I don't think my parents are home yet." I hoped they weren't home yet. I didn't want Marella to meet my family. No doubt she'd already heard about them.

We went downstairs, and I grabbed ingredients from the pantry.

"So.. cookie dough? Chocolate chips?" I ask. "I've never made mallowmelt before." she stares at me

"Linh Hai Song" she says. It sends a chill down my spine to hear her call me by my full name. It's definitely not a bad feeling "Have you lived?" she laughs, "It's so fun. I bake all the time. And, it's easy. C'mon, let's go."

Finally, after a lot of trial, error, and laughs, the mallowmelt was in the oven, and I was feeling lighter than ever. Suddenly, I hear the front door open, and my mom and dad walk in.

"Linh? What are you doing using the kitchen? You know you're not allowed!" My father snaps. He lifts his hand, and I know he will hit me. I flinch. Then he notices Marella, and he lowers his hand. "Who are you?" he asks

"Marella Redek." she replies. "Quan and Mai Song, I assume." she had an angry look on her face.

"Oh, the Redek girl." he says, obviously displeased. "I've heard all about you."

"What have you heard?" challenges Marella, hands on her hips.

"How's your mother doing?" he asks, almost tauntingly "Last I heard, Caprise wasn't so well."

What? What's wrong with Marella's mom, I wonder.

But that did it. Marella turned red, and started shaking. She was either about to lose control, or to cry. I've never seen Marella cry. She's always in control, in check with her emotions.

"Stop, father, please." I plead to him, "Marella, let's go back upstairs" I lead her upstairs again. By the time we reach my room, she's stopped shaking.

"I'm so, so sorry." I say. Now I'm the one shaking. "I-I really am sorry" and then suddenly I'm crying and now Marella's the one comforting me. "No!" I say, even though I want her to stay. "Just go. This is all my fault. I knew I wasn't supposed to use the kitchen, and now my father's hurt you." I'm sobbing some more. "Just leave. Everyone always goes."

But Marella stayed. She stayed and she comforted me, and it felt so right. And she came back again the next day. And the next. And the next. And I was happier than I ever have been.

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