Headcannons 2 ‼️

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I can't write rn cause I feel crappy and typing these isn't distracting me well at the moment so here's some head cannons. This one is spicier lol. Btw I'm sorry I talk about them this way 😔

They are also over 18 for these!
-spot calls race Antonio and sometimes Tony occasionally

-they're both horny ass teenagers but Race is significantly more flirtatious

-I feel like Spot would call Racer 'kitten' idk man

-Spot hates how much Race smokes

-race is neurodivergent and he got the too much sexual desire kind instead of the none (I got the none lol /acearo)


-Jack is very horny

-Davey is a small innocent bean. Jack thinks that is hot (oof)

-Davey is on the ace spectrum but probably demi and or grayscale.

-Davey has never really had other crushes and never really felt any desire towards others before Jack which scares him sometimes

-Davey doesn't know much about intimacy, especially spicy kinds, and that's probably good.

-Jack wants to ruin that tho :/

-they are shipped by all of the newsies (they don't know it yet tho)


- at first they are in a friends with benefits type of relationship

-finch falls first, Albert falls harder

-Albert has also never been in a relationship before and he's pretty awkward. His first ever kiss was with Finch

-Finch loves Albert with every fiber of his being and tries his best to guide Albert into new areas.

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