Javey 1 ❗️

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❗️= mentions of homophobia and jacks weird

These fics are odd at times, I apologize in advance. Also reminder that I am Acearo so some aspects of romance may be written oddly because I do not experience or relate to it in any way.. I'm trying y'all
(Jack's pov?)
Jack sat watching Katherine, his lovely girlfriend, as she talked to him on his roof top watching the sky. His mind was else where as he thought about something that had been worrying him of late.... Davey... his perfect smile, his beautiful eyes, and the way his nose curved! He couldn't take his mind off him and it was starting to worry him. I mean he obviously liked Davey but now he started to realized he *loved* Davey. And that freaked him out a little. He was supposed to like Katherine and only Katherine! he'd never thought hard about it before but he was pretty sure people were supposed to like only one person! And it's not as if he didn't still like her and-


His attention snapped back to the girl in front of him. She was gorgeous, her reddish hair and bright eyes were hypnotizing to him.

"Hm.?" He responded dumbly.

"You good? You seem out of it and lately I feel like you've been hiding something.." Katherine pondered aloud. She frowned at him, sitting down next to Jack on the cold concrete floor...roof.?

Jack sighed heavily... he felt like the thoughts were weighing him down. Should he tell Kathrine? I mean she might understand...and if she didn't he might as well tell her instead of let the guilt eat away at him. Besides.. Kath was meant to be his. well better be honest than not.

"Uhm.. so... yous know I loves you Kath?"


"Well lately I've been feeling like I do with you... for someone else. ... - But I still love you too!!" He added that last part quickly so she wouldn't think he was leaving her, he would never leave Kath even in a millions years, never. He sat nervously as he thought of all the ways that this could go wrong. He started to regret his decision to tell her. How could he find another girl to date?

But to his surprise Katherine just laughed.

"Oh is that so? Well I'll have you know I also think I like another person, as well as you."

"Huh... so what now?"

The two sat for a moment in silence and relief before Kath spoke up.

"Maybe we have.... Like an open relationship of sorts? We're dating each other but we also have another relationship too?" She suggested. Jack had to process for a moment. I mean that was exactly what would work well for him but he'd never heard of that sort of thing. It was shocking. Scandalous even. But after all, this is modern times and anything new can happen now ... it's not 1873 or something, it's the new and improved 1899 almost 1900!

"Sounds.... Cool"


Jack kissed her and they sat for a moment in silence.

"So who is it that you like..?" She smirked mischievously and cocked an eyebrow at him.
He could feel his face turning as red as a raspberry. He felt like he was a child again and his friends were staying up late and hiding from the older news boys.

"Nobody important."

"It's Davey isn't it." She guessed

His face said it all. She laughed and Jack sorted himself out.

"He's so cute, Kath! And he doesn't even know it. He drives me insane, I mean the things that I would do to him if he wasn't so-"

"Don't you dare ruin that boys innocence, Jack Kelly! He is way too oblivious for you." Kath lectured.

Jack groaned and returned to staring at the sun.

"But that's hot.."


"Ok ok alright I get it.. so who's your mystery man?" He grinned at the change of subject. It was fun to be able to be this open to Kath about things most people would find disgusting and scandalous.

Katherine smiled "Her name is Sarah Jacobs..."

"Wait Davey's sister?"

~Time skip~

Davey sat in an empty alleyway. His breath was fast and his heart felt like it was trying to kill him in the most anxiety filled way possible

'No no no no no! You are not a- a- one of them.' He sat against a brick wall and he could feel tears threatening to form. The brick scratching at him as he pressed his back to it as much as possible, in a desperate attempt to keep stable.

'He doesn't like you. It's wrong. This feeling is wrong and sinful.' His eyes stung and he felt tears streaming down his face and soon his thoughts blurred.

Eventually he came to a conclusion; that he wasn't in love with Jack and his feeling was completely and totally platonic. That's of course when he heard familiar footsteps, Jacks footsteps. Jack walked up to him casually.

"Hey Davey, why are you in an alleyway? Never mind.. I've been wanting to talk to you about something." He averted his eyes when he said this, looking instead at the dirty grey ground next to Davey.

Davey stood up and walked over to him. Trying to act like nothing was wrong. His face felt red and puffy and he knew he probably looked way worse than usual but he tried to ignore it.


"Yea. So uh. I know this may be overstepping some boundaries but.. I think I may- may like you.."

Davey gasped, taking a step back in defense, and started shouting

"Jack that is wrong! I can't believe you'd be so disgusting like that!? Honestly have you no self respect."

Jack was taken aback. 'Did Davey really think that'. He'd never stopped to think that Davey might be one of those people who thought liking guys was bad. I mean sure I'd thought Davey might reject him for being, well, him. But he never thought Davey would be against Jacks gender preference. Though Davey *was* an educated teen whose family was fairly well off.. well enough to afford schooling for two kids. It had just never occurred to Jack he might be like all the other boys.

"It's not wrong? Why would it be wrong" he retaliated, angry.

"No, Jack, it is wrong. It's horrible to be- to-to like men!" Davey took a step back as Jack stepped forward.

"I don't think it's wrong! How can something so wonderful be so wrong?" Jack growled. Secretly Davey really liked that protective and strong side of Jack.. but not directed at him.

"Davey why are you so upset about this? You know most of the Newsies are queer so why this??" Jack took another step forward and Davey hit a wall. Davey hated that word. Queer. It was just so wrong. They were almost nose to nose and Davey could feel the hot breath of Jack on his face and neck. It made it very hard to concentrate. Davey felt his breathing get more and more irregular.

"Be- because it's just.. it's just wrong, okay?!" Davey spat.

Davey stared into jacks eyes and, without thinking, leaned forward a bit. Staring at Jacks lips.

Jack blushed but furrowed his brows. "Why?"
Davey responded by closing the space between them and kissing him.

Instantly that moment was one of the best Davey had ever had. His heart lit up at their lips touched and he felt his stomach had been filled with insects. Jack was a good and clearly experienced kisser.

They moved their lips unsynchronized in a sloppy but so so perfect kiss. Jack leaned and dipped Davey a bit to deepen it and suddenly Davey was melting into it. After a bit they pulled apart for breath.

"I'm so confused" Jack said.

Davey nodded "so am I."

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