Chapter 34: On the Precipice of Battle

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Harry looked up from where Severus was laying on the sofa, still groaning and twitching, at Hermione's call. He watched as she, Ron, and Luna came hurrying into the Library, faces filled with worry.

"What the bloody hell is going on?" Ron asked, looking past Harry at Severus when the man let out a strangled shout.

"Dumbledore's killing Severus through the Dark Mark," Harry said gravely. Ron's face paled while Hermione and Luna gasped. Harry sighed, rubbing his brow. "What about you? How many did you get?"

"We've got a problem, mate," Ron said.

"What else is new?" Harry said bitterly. "What's wrong?"

"Dumbledore has sealed the common rooms," Hermione said.

"No one can get in or out," Luna added.

Harry stared at them with wide eyes. "All the students are trapped?"

"Not all of them, but most," Hermione said. "Neville seems to have gotten a group from the library."

"And Seamus got a few in the Entrance Hall before they went to common rooms," Ron said.

"Any professors or Order members?" Harry asked, feeling a spike in his anxiety at the thought of Dumbledore taking the students hostage. His stomach and heart also clenched as Severus let out another scream.

"Not yet," Ron said, shaking his head.

Harry rubbed his eyes aggressively under his glasses, pressing harder than he should. He didn't know what to do. Dumbledore was sure to act soon, but they didn't have enough people or preparation. They weren't ready. He turned to look at Draco when his brother came up beside him.

"We can't do anything without Dad," Draco said. "All four heroes are needed."

"I don't know what to do though," Harry said. "I don't know how to save him."

"Dream Chasing," Draco said.

"I don't even know if I can do it," Harry said. "It took me three days to break my scar connection and that was with Dad and with my scar not activated."

"We don't have a choice," Draco said.

"Damn it, I could kill him, Draco," Harry snapped.

"He's already dying!" Draco snapped back.

Harry looked at Severus, torn.

"Harry," Neville said, poking his head into the Library. "Kingsley's here. He got the students from the infirmary and some others came with him."

"Stay with Dad," Harry told Draco, leaving the Library with Neville, Ron, and Hermione.

Neville led them to the main chamber which was filled with people milling about, whispering, and gazing around the Chamber in awe. Many were students, but Harry was more focused on Kingsley quietly talking to Lupin, Slughorn, Flitwick, Sprout, Tonks, Hestia Jones, and Pomfrey.

"Hey, kid, good work," Kingsley said when he noticed Harry, making the other adults turn to him as well. "Everything else done?"

"Tom got the sword and he's here, but we have a problem," Harry said. "It's Dad. We need him, but Dumbledore's killing him."

"Like we thought," Kingsley said and Harry nodded. "Anything we can do?"

"There's one thing, but it's not guaranteed and we need time," Harry said, glancing at the professors and Order members that were all staring at him in clear desperation for answers.

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