Chapter 24: A Matter of Control

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Harry gazed at the huge pile of stone rubble that reached for the destroyed ceiling in front of where the Room of Requirement was supposed to be. Instead, it was a crumbled wall, nearby sconces knocked askew. Across from it, the once humorous tapestry of Barnabus the Barmy trying to teach trolls to dance ballet had been shredded by falling stone and lay amongst the boulders and debris in tatters. He lifted his eyes to stare up at the gaping hole in the ceiling, his hands clenching into fists in his pockets.

As he took in the destruction, his mind travelled down to the infirmary. The devastation over Dean's coma months earlier had only increased with Ginny's, and his guilt was nearly as strong as his guilt over Sirius. He knew the risk associated with opening the Room of Requirement had been necessary—they had to find the diadem—but, now, with the uncertainty surrounding how to deal with the diadem, the consequences no longer felt worth it. How could losing more of Hogwarts and risking students be worth it when they were, yet again, trapped in place? How could their quest be right when they had no guarantee of saving those they loved?

"All who live through conflict question the righteousness of their cause."

Harry turned at the voice, facing the endearingly kind face of Hogwarts with its soft smile. She was mostly solid-looking aside from the slight fuzziness and glow around her silhouette. She gazed at him gently with her blue eyes and her hands were clasped behind her back, her beautiful saree-like dress swaying around her feet. The red and yellow stones of her necklace glittered, the blue and green stones dulled with their lack of power.

"Does he?" Harry said, making it clear who he was referring to without the name.

Hogwarts just looked at him with a mixture of sadness and indulgence.

"I'm sorry," Harry said, pained. "I never wanted any of this."

"No one does, my child," Hogwarts said. "Pain is inevitable in life, in love."

Harry turned to the wall, tears in his eyes. "I'm not sure I want it then. I don't want to hurt anymore."

"Peace will return upon your victory."

Harry looked at her, heartbroken. "What if we're not? What if we lose?"

Hogwarts smiled and brought a hand up to her partially glowing necklace. "I have faith in my children."

Harry felt a light brush of air settle over him, a feeling of love and pride sinking into him. He gave her a small smile of his own.

"What happens then? Does all of this fix itself?" Harry asked, gesturing to the destruction behind him.

"Yes, I will be able to heal, as will all of you," Hogwarts said, clasping her hands again. "I cannot wait to be amongst my children again."

Harry furrowed his eyebrows. "You? Like this?"

Hogwarts nodded. "To those who need me."

Harry suddenly flashed back to second year, hidden in Hagrid's hut with Ron. "Help will always be given at Hogwarts to those who ask for it," he recited.

Hogwarts looked at him with that mixed expression again.

"He pretended it was about him, but it was you," Harry said and she smiled. "Have you over the years? Helped those who asked?"

"Where I could," Hogwarts said.

Harry ran through his memories, remembering some strange and unexplainable moments with a smile.

"My mothers and fathers also cannot wait to be free and among you."

Harry blinked at her. "I'm sorry?"

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