Chapter 25: Brewing for the Chase

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Note: Reference to minor character deaths


"I am deeply saddened to inform you of the unfortunate passing of both Robert Stobey and Daphne Greengrass..."

Harry screamed in rage as he picked up handfuls of parchments and threw them as hard as possible, scattering them throughout the Library. He grabbed books—priceless and delicate tomes—and chucked them against the stone walls, a couple so hard their spines completely broke and pages exploded out of them. Tears poured down his face and magic crackled in the air, seeping out of him. He ignored the Founders crowded into their frame trying to console him and the burning of his pendant with desperate messages on his wrist.

He couldn't do it. He couldn't live with letting people die. He couldn't keep fighting when it wasn't making a difference. He couldn't be the only one that knew the truth. He didn't want to know anymore!


He spun, fully prepared to curse whoever was stupid enough to be there, but faltered when he found Draco. The Slytherin's eyes were wide with concern and Harry choked on a sob because Draco didn't even remember, but was still worried about him. Draco didn't know and he couldn't leave his brother like that. Now he did know, he wanted—needed—his life and family back.

Draco had slowly stepped closer and Harry threw his arms around the boy's neck, holding tight as Draco stumbled slightly at the impact. He could feel the Slytherin's hands fluttering, unsure what to do, before, eventually, settling lightly on his back.

They stood in their embrace for a long while, Harry reminding himself why he had to keep going. He was grateful that, even without his memories, Draco willingly stayed in their embrace, clearly sensing what Harry needed. Eventually, Harry stepped back, releasing Draco who was still watching him with concern and now a touch of confusion.

"Thanks," Harry said with a small smile and then gazed around the Library. He sighed at the mess of parchments and damaged books. He looked up at the Founders. "Sorry."

"We, too, are devastated at the loss of more of our precious children," Hufflepuff said, her face sad.

Harry was rocked with another wave of pain.

"You must continue your task," Gryffindor said.

"It is still worth it," Slytherin said.

Harry sighed again and nodded.

"Do not lose hope," Ravenclaw said, "but, if you do, we have more than enough for you."

Harry gave them a small smile, warm with their faith. He turned to the mess he'd made and began moving around, slowly picking up the victims of his rage and grief. He looked over his shoulder and found Draco helping collect the parchments and books, gathering the multitude of pages that had fallen from the broken books. They worked quietly, Draco eventually sitting to put book pages back in order.

"Did you know we're supposed to be able to go into each other's common rooms and dorms?" Harry said, breaking the silence suddenly and making Draco's head pop up.

"What?" Draco said, frowning in confusion.

Harry gave a half-smile. "We're supposed to be able to go into each other's dorms," he repeated. "You've been in Gryffindor Tower."

He couldn't help but chuckle at the slight look of disgust that crossed the Slytherin's face.

"You're serious?" Draco said.

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