Chapter 9: Unknown Persons

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"So, my boy, are you excited?" Dumbledore said with a smile as he leaned back in his chair and clasped his hands on his abdomen.

"Sorry, sir?" Harry said, confused about what the man could be referring to. There wasn't much to be excited about, not anymore.

"Professor Slughorn's Christmas party. I heard you got an invitation," Dumbledore said. "I am not surprised. He is drawn to special students, like yourself."

"Yeah, I've noticed," Harry said, still somewhat bitter about being singled out as 'special' because of his past. "And, sure, it should be fun."

"Yes, Horace has always thrown excellent parties," Dumbledore said. "Have you found a friend to accompany you?"

"Uh, yeah, I asked Luna Lovegood."

He had managed to talk to Luna again in the library away from prying eyes a few days after their incident outside the Great Hall. He was originally going to bring Hermione, but Slughorn ended up inviting her as well, likely for being dubbed the 'brightest witch of her age' despite being Muggleborn. She had invited Ron so he was included and Harry had quickly decided on Luna, who ended up being ecstatic at the invitation. Harry assumed it was because she was never invited anywhere or included in anything by her housemates or anyone else for that matter. No one seemed to appreciate the amazing friend they could have in Luna.

"A wonderful choice. A lovely young lady," Dumbledore said. "It is actually very fortunate that you have caught Professor's Slughorn's attention for he is the subject of the memory you will see tonight. This memory is the reason I convinced Professor Slughorn to return to Hogwarts."

Harry was curious how Slughorn could be connected to Voldemort. The man seemed as far from the Dark Arts as he possibly could be. He approached the Pensieve as Dumbledore did, watching the memory drip into the basin.

"Many years ago, Professor Slughorn was one of Tom's professors here at Hogwarts. Like you, Professor Slughorn recognized Tom as a special student. The two appeared to become close until something happened between them, something that showed what Tom would become. There is something important about this memory, but I will explain after."

Harry nodded and entered the memory, landing in what he recognized to be the Potions professor's office. It looked nothing like it did when Snape occupied it. It had a warm atmosphere with books lining shelves and a fire roaring in the fireplace. A large round table was sat in the center of the office, occupied by several people, including a younger Slughorn and a sixteen-year-old Tom Riddle. Some of the other students at the table were chattering with each other quietly while Slughorn was in the process of opening a gift.

It was then Harry noticed that the memory seemed to have a haze over it, making everything just a touch dimmer and fuzzier. He wondered what it was as none of the other memories were like that. He assumed it was what Dumbledore would explain after, so he did his best to ignore it and watch the memory play out.

"Ah, how wonderful, my dear boy. Candied pineapple, my favourite," Slughorn said happily, smiling widely. "Thank you, Tom, very much."

Tom inclined his head with his own smile. "You're very welcome, sir. A show of my appreciation for your kindness."

"Such a dear boy you are," Slughorn praised affectionately with a chuckle.

"So, is it true, sir?" Tom asked casually. "Is Professor Merrythought retiring?"

"Merlin's beard, Tom, how do you do it? You seem to know everything, many things you ought not to know," Slughorn said. He seemed surprised and slightly exasperated with Tom, but not angry.

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