CHAPTER 17: A letter

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Please read the author's note at the end of this chapter. I have an important announcement there.

Yuri's POV:

I woke up in an unknown room. There were bandages all around my hand. I looked around and recognised it was a hospital room and the bed I was sleeping on was the hospital bed. Doctors and nurses were busy in their works while a nurse came to me and asked me to straighten my hand. She held my wrist and clamped a spot, and by the time another nurse came with an injection and syringe. I screamed in fear!

"No! No! Please no! I'm afraid of injections."

"Calm down Miss Han, it won't hurt you much. It just feels like a pinch." One of the nurses said to me in a soft voice.

"It hurts!" I protested.

"Do you want to go home soon?" Another one asked me.

I nodded.

"Then let me inject you so that you feel better and go to your home as soon as possible."

Without protesting further, I let her inject me like an obedient child while my eyes were squeezed throughout the procedure.
After a few seconds she cooled the injected area and ejected the injection.

I relieved a sigh.

"By the way, your boyfriend really love you so much." The nurse whispered in my ear.

I looked at her with a dumb face, "My boyfriend?"

She nodded smiling.

" But I don—"

She interupted me saying "Your friends are waiting for you outside, I'll send them here."

And with this she went out of the room to call them.

I have a boyfriend? Since when? Did I lose my memory or something? I can't remembering having a boyfriend in my  life till now.

A knock on the door pulled me back into reality.

"Oh Ma Chérie! Are you okay now?" Kat ran towards me and hugged me tightly.

"I'm good." I parted us both and gave her an assuring smile.

"We were so worried about you my girl, don't you ever dare to do this kind of thing again!" Her eyes were getting teary.

"Y'all are here?" I asked.

"Yes, Alex and Matt are waiting outside. Doctor told us that only one person can meet the patient at a time."


"Ash was here right before you got concious. The doctor and him were talking about something and after few minutes he went outside and isn't back yet neither did he inform any of us where is he going."

Were my questions so loud that she heard I wanted to know about Ash too?! I wonder even though he has hurt me so much still why do I feel that he too isn't happy hurting me. I am here! I am in this hospital! I am in this ICU room because of him but still my heart says he can't hurt me. But there's an underlying hate too!! Whatever his reasons are, he shouldn't have done this to me. He broke my trust, my love, my friendship. HE FUCKING BROKE EVERYTHING. He himself has ended everything between us.

It hurts knowing he isn't here after I got conscious but it's good too because I really don't want to see him, talk to him now! A lier, he is a lier, and I hate who lies.

I grabbed the sheets in anger that is clearly visible on my face.

"Uh, okay I'll leave now. Alex and Matt must be dying to meet you." She smiled sheepishly.

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