CHAPTER 5: Strangers

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"Oh my god! You're coming to my college for further studies?" I ask Kat enthusiastically.

"Yes babes!" She grins.

"Are you fucking serious? I just can't believe what I heard right now?"

"You should. My dad is coming tomorrow with the rest of the documents for college admission. So I'll be joining the classes next week."

"Okay!" I say cheerfully.

I can't believe my ears right now!! Kat is coming to my college for the next four years. Four fucking years.Wait! This means all three of us will be in the same college! TOGETHER. Oh good lord. I don't know how I should thank you..
Kat and I are studying literature but unfortunately the seats were full when we were applying for our admissions back then so she had to choose another college. But now she is coming here. I'm so happy.


I want to see Ash's reaction when he gets to know that Kat will be studying with us. I don't know where he is from the past few days. He is not even coming to college and none of his friends know about his well being too.
I tried to call him but he never picked up.

"Hey you there?"
"Where are you?"
"You aren't even coming to college."
"At least answer your damn phone!"
"Ash? I'm getting worried."

Message delivered.

Fuck this! I don't understand what's going on with him. Something's definitely off.

Relax Yuri Han! Calm down.

Why are you behaving so impulsive? He must be busy somewhere else. Something important! He'll come back soon. But at least he should inform me or Kat!

"Yuri let's go shopping! I have many things to buy." Kat pleas while dancing and clapping.

I roll my eyes "Nooo! I'm tired."

"No excuses, you are coming with me. Be ready in 5! I'll pick you up from your apartment." She says arrogantly and then cuts the call.

Woah! That was quick.

I've been waiting for her for almost an hour but she hasn't come yet. Nothing's new!
This girl is never on time.

She stops her car right in front of me in the parking lot "Sorry I'm late beautiful lady."

She's wearing white ribbed tank top with a green wool cardigan , blue baggy jeans, a white tote bag and sneakers. And I'm dressed in a high waisted short purple skirt with a white inner basic tees, a purple cotton button up, white shoulder bag and a platform.

"Fine. Whatever!" I deadpan sitting in the passenger's seat of her car.

We have been in the mall for almost 5 hours now. She did buy many things. I bought a few dresses, a nude lipstick and a mascara. We are at the cash counter for the payments. After we were done with shopping, we are heading to a restaurant because I'm way too hungry now.

Today we spent our entire day just shopping and having fun. She always manages to do something weird that is enough to make my bad day a good one. At all times , her presence does this to me.
Every distance is worth it with her. I love her a lot. Thank you good lord for putting her in my life.

"Ash where were you? I tried calling you so many fucking times but you never received. Is everything alright?" I ask him while trying to cope up with his walking speed like a little creature.

He hasn't even spoken to me yet and is just trying to avoid all of my questions. I don't know what's going on with him.

Without noticing we both have reached a quiet place where it's just me and him and now he is facing me.
Gosh! These brown eyes are definitely my favourite colour now.

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