chapter 10 (final decision)

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Hanbin didn't hear right?

Whatever Hao is talking now.

"Since I'm aborting my child"He hears these words

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"Since I'm aborting my child"
He hears these words.

Hanbin is shocked.

Hanbin - Hao, I .......

Hao - you don't have to say anything Hanbin. It's okay. Our careers are more important.

Hanbin - Hao ... It's.....I..... it'

Hao - it's okay I said. Let's do it (aborting the child)
Hao says in a dark nature.

Hanbin in his mind 'how can this possible, he was happy yesterday

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Hanbin in his mind 'how can this possible, he was happy yesterday. He thinks our careers are more important than our child?'

Hanbin - let's -

Hao begins to feeling nauseous again. He begins to feel like to puke. So he does. Hao runs to the bathroom quick.
And This time he has Hanbin with him. Hanbin is stroking his back.
After a few minutes Hao stops vomiting and collapses in Hanbin's arm.

Hanbin begins to panic at the moment. So he decided to take Hao to the hospital. He calls his mom and books a private appointment with their family doctor who is aslo Hanbin's cousin.

Hanbin picks Hao in bridal style and leaves with his own car.

They were at their dorm so Hanbin didn't feel the importance to tell their Manager. Well he forgot too.

After half and hour later they reached the hospital with Hanbin being Careful . Ofc indeed they're idols so.

Hanbin's parents aslo was there already.

After examine Hao , the doctor comes and

Doctor - Hanbin brother. Who is he?

Hanbin - Sis he is my boyfriend. How is he ?

Doctor - Hanbin.... He is..

Hanbin - what, what's wrong? My Hao is okay, right?

Doctor - Clam down bro. He is Fine but the child.... ..

Hanbin - ........... what..happened to our child?
Hanbin asks his cousin feeling the thing called fear.

happened to our child?Hanbin asks his cousin feeling the thing called fear

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Doctor - the child is okay for now I can say. But next time it'll be hard to make it so. Do you guys have any problem?

Hanbin - well.... Yes , we kinda have.

Doctor - that's why maybe Hao is so stressed. He had low blood rate. And he is not in his Best state. He is not talking meals for some days I guess which is  making him unstable. And it's causing harm to the little one.

Hanbin - I didn't know..........
that's all my fault.

Doctor - I don't know what's going on with you guys but please at least take care of him. Remember, he is bearing another one with him.

Hanbin - I'll. But he said he doesn't want the ... Baby...
Hanbin tells her the full story.

Doctor - what? So you're going to abort it?

Hanbin - NO , I mean no. First I wanted to.. but now-

Doctor - what the heck ?! You wanted what Hanbin? Bro I know you guys are idols. But it's harsh ,asking the mother to kill his child! Why Hanbin? You don't want to have a baby ?

Hanbin - I definitely do . It's just, you know our careers.....well DAMN it . I'M fucked up now.. can see Hao now?

Doctor - yeah you can after 5 minutes. I hope you'll clear your misunderstanding.

Hanbin - I will.

After 5 minutes

Hanbin slowly opens the door of Hao's private cabin.

He sees Hao is looking at the ceiling.

Hanbin - Hao..... I-

Hao - Hanbin...

Hanbin - yes baobei, I'm here .

Hao - Hanbin, You don't want have a child with me ? Is that cause you don't love me anym-

Hanbin - what the heck are you talking about? I love you with heart and soul. Hanbin yells

Hao- but you don't want the chil-

Hanbin - we'll have our First child.

Hanbin says holding Hao's both hands

Hanbin says holding Hao's both hands

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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