Jealousy Unveiled

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In the comfort of Olivia Benson's home, a playful experiment was about to take place, orchestrated by Olivia herself. With the assistance of Casey Novak, Olivia sought to test Alexandra Cabot's ability to recognize her touch blindfolded. Little did Olivia know, Casey had a mischievous plan of her own.

As Alex sat blindfolded in a chair, Casey approached her with soft touches, mimicking Olivia's gentle caresses. At first, Alex's guesses were confident, but as the touches became more intimate, she felt a pang of uncertainty.

Meanwhile, Olivia watched with keen interest, her heart racing as she observed Alex's reactions. She couldn't deny the twinge of jealousy that flared within her as Casey's touches grew more intimate. She tried to mask her emotions, but the jealousy bubbled beneath the surface, threatening to boil over.

Casey, sensing an opportunity to test the limits of Olivia's jealousy, continued to escalate her touches, knowing full well the effect it would have on both women. With each intimate caress, Olivia's jealousy intensified, her possessive instincts kicking into overdrive.

Despite her efforts to remain composed, Olivia struggled to contain her jealousy, her facade slipping as she watched Casey's interactions with Alex. She knew it was just a game, but the sight of another woman touching her girlfriend in such an intimate way stirred something primal within her.

Finally, unable to bear it any longer, Olivia stepped forward, her voice laced with barely concealed jealousy. "Alright, Casey, I think that's enough," she said, her tone firm as she gently removed the blindfold from Alex's eyes.

As Alex blinked in confusion, Olivia's gaze locked with hers, her eyes filled with a mixture of possessiveness and vulnerability. "I think we've proven our point," she added, her voice softening as she reached out to take Alex's hand in hers.

Alex, sensing the tension in the air, looked between Olivia and Casey with a bemused expression. "What's going on?" she asked, her blue eyes darting between the two women.

With a sigh, Olivia squeezed Alex's hand, her jealousy dissipating as she met her girlfriend's gaze. "Just a little experiment," she admitted, her tone sheepish. "But it's over now. I promise."

As Alex nodded in understanding, Olivia felt a sense of relief wash over her. Despite her initial jealousy, she knew that her bond with Alex was stronger than any momentary insecurity. And as they shared a tender embrace, Olivia knew that their love would always triumph over jealousy, no matter what challenges they faced.

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