Fogged Windows

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The soft hum of the car engine filled the air as Olivia Benson and Alexandra Cabot sat side by side in the dimly lit interior of Olivia's car, parked in front of the beach. They had spent the evening together, enjoying each other's company and reveling in the simple pleasure of being together.

But as they sat in comfortable silence, the atmosphere between them began to shift, a subtle tension building in the air. Their fingers brushed against each other, sending electric sparks coursing through their veins as they exchanged knowing glances.

Before they knew it, the windows of the car began to fog up, the heat of their shared desire fogging the glass with a hazy mist. Olivia's breath caught in her throat as she turned to look at Alex, her blue eyes dark with longing.

"Alex..." Olivia whispered, her voice barely a breath as she reached out to cup Alex's cheek, her touch gentle yet filled with a raw intensity that left them both trembling with anticipation.

Alex's heart pounded in her chest as she leaned into Olivia's touch, her own desire mirroring Olivia's as they moved closer together, their lips inching ever closer in a silent dance of longing.

And then, as if drawn together by an irresistible force, their lips met in a searing kiss, a symphony of passion and longing that left them breathless and hungry for more.

Wrapped in each other's arms, they lost themselves in the heat of the moment, their bodies pressed close as they surrendered to the intoxicating pull of desire.

And as they melted into each other, the world outside faded away, leaving only the two of them locked in a timeless embrace, their love burning bright against the backdrop of the fogged windows and the gentle lapping of the ocean waves in the distance.

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