chapter 2

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The sun shined through my white curtains, waking me up. I rubbed my eyes and kept them closed as I sat up in my bed. I touched my face and then my hair, it felt knotted and messy. Great, now I have to spend an hour untangling my hair. I opened my eyes finally and groaned because I had a major headache.

Last night was partly a blur, I remember going out and partying with my usual friends, smoking weed, being pulled over by a sexy cop and.....

I fucked him.

What the hell was I thinking?

Actually, I think the reason why I did it was legit. My job was on the line, who wouldn't do that to save their ass? But it is sorta classless, I mean I was fùcked in an alley at 2 am.
Man fuck it

No ragrats

I really enjoyed it though, it was the most dangerous thing I ever did other than trying an illegal drug for the first time last night. Plus, he was huge I mean the most I've took was at least 7 inches. The officer was larger, much larger. The experience was amazing, the only thing I didn't like was that I didn't figure out his name.

Oh well

I wonder how Jade would react when I tell her, she'll probably be proud of me. She basically thinks I'm a whimp and I don't live life to the fullest like I'm supposed to. I'm younger than her, 3 years younger to be exact, and she tells me she has more fun than me.

After thinking about last night, I finally decided that I needed to get up and get some caffeine in my system. I threw my legs on the side of my bed and attempted to stand up but a surge of pain shot through my legs.

"Fuck!" I hissed , I instantly sat back down and held on to my thighs. My vagina felt so sore, what the hell did he do to me last night? I sat down for a minute and gave myself a little pep talk, repeatedly telling myself stop being a little bítch.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes for a few seconds, I quickly stood up thinking that if I did it faster the pain wouldn't be as bad. But I was wrong, when I stood up the pain came rushing, causing me to whine but I continued to stand up. If I wouldn't of builded up the courage to do this, I'd be in bed until tomorrow Sunday morning.

"I don't deserve this shít, I'm a good girl." I said to myself, wincing as I took a few steps to reach my kitchen. I lived in a studio condo, it was very open and large so it didn't take me long to reach my kitchen. That was one of the three perks of living here, the second was that I had my own elevator but only Jade had the key to it. Third was that I had my own balcony , it held my plants a small brown coffee table and a homey dark blue couch. That's where I spent my mornings off, looking through shots I took the day before or whatever.

After I made my coffee, I added cream and sugar. I hated black coffee it tastes like, ew. Only weird ass people with no taste buds drink black coffee. Anyways, I place the lime green coffee mug against my lips and took a sip. The warm liquid traveled down my throat, I felt like myself as soon as I felt it settle into my stomach.

I sighed in content and sort of limped over to my bag full of photos and camera lens, cautiously leaning down because of the hot cup of coffee in my hand. I picked it up , slung it over my right shoulder, and started to walk to the balcony doors but I heard the elavtor to my condo ding and open up.

"Hey hoeeee! " a loud voice echoed through my place, a small smirk played on my lips and I turned around to look at my friend Jade. She saw me and looked at me shocked "You're still in pajamas and its 2pm, coffee at 2 and you look fucked up...." she said like she,was piecing it together. "You must've been out last night."

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