Facts about Jang Hyun Seung of B2ST

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Hyun seung FACT no 1

#Hyunseung is naturally skinny, even though he's a junk food fanatic. -

HyunseungFACT no 2

#Hyunseung will only clean up his own space

Hyunseung FACT no 3

#Hyunseung has his own ways in taking care of his throat. He drink pear juice in every two days to maintain his voice/throat

Hyunseung FACT no 4

#Junhyung & Hyunseung are known as the fashionistas in BEAST because of their deep interest & love in fashion.

Hyunseung FACT no 5

#Kikwang would like to tell Hyunseung to stop eating chicken

Hyun seungFACT no 6

#when he's stressed. he jus wants to be left alone

Hyunseung FACT no 7

#he feel scared when the first met with junhyung "i was scared when we first met, he looks mysterious and gave me scary stares"

Hyunseung FACT no 8

#member called him "prince jang" because, hyunseung is very perfectionist " i just pursue that if anything is perfect, there is no problem"

Hyunseung FACT no 9

#when other members questions "what about your future wife?"

hyunseung cooly answered "i'll worry about my answer in the future"

Hyunseung FACT no 10

#he likes a girl with pretty head (?) (i don't know what he mean)

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