Chapter 11- 18 Again

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Two Years Later

It's my eighteenth birthday today, well not mine but Giselle's that is. Technically I'm twenty-one years old but since I'm in Giselle's body and she died at sixteen then came back and now it's two years later, I'm eighteen so I'm going with that. I chuckle a bit at my own internal reasoning and closing arguments.

"Do you think I'll sense my mate today?" Giselle asked me and the possibility of that happening dawned on me. What are we going to do if she does, I instantly regret not asking the Moon Goddess to go into more detail about our mate situation and how it would work out for either of us.

The Moon Goddess did say we would both have our own mates, but I never asked her if I would have the same one or am I starting over with a new one. What if I don't have a supernatural mate this time and I end up with a human?

This is all so confusing, and I never asked about marking our mates. ugh! why didn't I ask?

I guess I was busy being overwhelmed with the whole dying and going back in someone else's body that I had a brain fart and forgot to ask before agreeing to this.

How can you ask a million questions when you can barely process one thing at a time, let alone a thousand things more, and feel like you just had more crap piled on your plate.

I'm not trying to sound ungrateful Moon Goddess, but this is just a lot to deal with. After I woke up from that coma things have steadily gotten better day by day. Mateo and I have built this friendship between us, meanwhile, Roman has at least become civil with me.

Sometimes I catch him glaring at me like an envious little kid who's jealous because I have something he wants but I won't give it to him.

It's weird! makes me wonder what was going on between Giselle and him but she assures me that nothing untoward was happening, only friendship. She did however have a little crush on him, that much I know because I have seen memories here and there in her mind.

I've been practicing my abilities every day and I have gotten better. Well, they are Giselle's but what's hers is mine for now anyway. I can change my smell so you either think I'm a human or you can't smell me at all, the last one comes in handy when I want to sneak up on people.

I can heal others but only small injuries so far, the more I practice, the better and stronger I'm becoming with that ability.

I also have a form of telepathy that allows me to look into people's memories both past and present and can even compel them to do things such as tell me the truth.

My wolf Lily says we have another gift but says it's not important for now and that we will need it eventually.

"I'm not sure Giselle, but what are you going to do if you sense him today?" I asked her.

"I want my mate, Evangeline; would you hate me if I wanted to be with him? Would it anger you if I mated and marked him?" she asked me and for a minute I could not answer her.

It's been two years for us too, sharing this body, a mind, our abilities, and this life. I love Giselle like a sister, and I want her to be happy. I've had a mate, and I could never imagine not being with Armando. If I ever had a second chance with him again, I would not allow anything, or anyone to get in the way of us mating and marking each other.

I understood her more than anything and I could not in good conscience keep her away from her mate no matter what the circumstances were, in this case, it's us sharing this body.

"I can't be angry with you Giselle, if I ever had a second chance with my former mate, I would not hesitate to mate and mark him. I want you to be happy and if that means we have to take turns to control our body then we will do that."

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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